25| Felix and her threats

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It's been 10 hours, 10 hours since the last signal from His Majesty was transmitted. The moment the 10-hour mark hit, the capital was put on emergency alert. No one is allowed to enter or exit without permission. The only remaining royalty in the castle, Gamma Huxx has been given the highest security. And the search team for His Majesty and the rest of the people along with him will dispatch any minute. 

Its been 2 mins since the 10-hour mark, all the necessary documentation to evoke emergencies was done, and all instructions were given to respective Alphas, guard posts, and soldiers. The last thing was to give the go-ahead to the search team. Which was causing significant havoc between the ministers and nobles.

Our would-be Queen decided to lead the search team herself which instantly resulted in chaos in the assembly. For once both pro-Felix and anti-Felix were collectively against this suggestion. The pro-Felix faction didn't want her to enter a potentially dangerous search and the anti-Felix faction was sceptic of her ability to be part of such an important operation. 

However, when has Felix ever listened to anyone? But for once she didn't rebuke anyone, all she said was that she is going even if she has to go alone and stormed out of the meeting hall. After she left there was a lot of debate over how to actually stop her from going and somehow I was selected as the messenger of the will of the people. 

So here I was feeling like I was walking to death as I forced myself to complete the distance between me and the armoury gate. The air was suffocating and the atmosphere was eerily silent. The view of Felix decked up in weapons and stuffing a bag with sealed foods greeted me. 

"Your Majesty," I called her out. 

"You aren't here to give me another one to those spiels Acimer, right?"

I couldn't lie about my intentions and thus maintained silence. 

"Acimer, seriously? I am going to go, Rei is my mate. I need to go. That's what's most efficient you know that right?"

Taking a deep breath and trying to make it sound as non-offensive as I can. On a good day, I won't even have nightmares about this but this wasn't a good day, far from it. "Your Majesty the people are your responsibility too. You can't abandon them like this. "

"No Acimer, I am not Your Majesty. I am not responsible for anyone other than my mate. Do you know why? Cause according to the law I am still an Alpha's daughter and not the Queen. There ain't no fucking crown on my head. I haven't married your King yet. I am not bound to your laws or your regulations. And honestly, if my mate dies, what use am I to this nation-"


"Keep your voice down Acimer, and stop being rational here. I am going whether you want it or not. None of your laws can stop me. So let me go in peace and I won't have to blow up a part of this castle to escape. Do we have a deal?" For the first time since I entered the room, Felix looked at me and the determination and desperation in her eyes were something I couldn't ignore. 

Taking a deep breath, I finally opened my mouth to reply. "Okay, your Majesty but I have some terms too."

"What are they Beta Acimer?" Felix asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"A team, you are taking a special unit with you. And you will radio your situation to the nearest town every 2 hours. If there is a situation where your or the team members' life is at risk then you will immediately retreat and call for backup. Please your safety is as important to us as His Highness whether you believe it or not."

"Fine, but get ready in the next 45 mins or I am leaving alone." 

Getting her approval, I bowed ingratitude and rushed to get our most elite soldiers ready. 


OOPS! I swear I had no control over my hands, once I started writing all rough drafts just blow away in the wind. Also after months of patience and hard work, I have finally overcome my writing block. It's still a bit rustic but with the shit about to hit the fan, I hope my inner writer will wake up!!

Thanks for the patience and for staying here even though my updates have been highly unreliable. But it's my goal to finish this book this year and start editing it by January. So wish me luck.

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