19 | The King has arrived

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This turned out to be one of my most awkward pieces ever.



"Can you repeat that my queen?"

Queen, a title I never thought I would be addressed as. It's weird how even though the title is new at the same time it feels old as well.

"I said Minister Conti that I have finished all my missions and am ready to report. Do you take a written assessment or do I need to be physically present there?"  I reiterate my earlier statement to Minister Conti, enjoying the tone of disbelief in his otherwise monotonous voice.

He didn't say anything for a moment, then seeming recovering he went, "I am genuinely surprised you were able to complete all at once. Not that I question your ability, your majesty, but this is truly an amazing feat. Congratulations on finishing the missions, a written report should do just fine, but I think you should let your praises be heard first and then give verbal testimony. But that's just my opinion... The rest is up to you."

Honestly, this is the most Minister Conti has ever spoken to me, "You are more experienced Minister Conti, and I don't think I am physically capable of writing anything, so I agree with your perspective here. When are the survivors reaching again?"

"They will be arriving here in a few hours. We will follow our usual protocol with them. Also please take care of yourself, Luna. Your physical and mental injuries should be treated in the hospital here."

At the mention of my injuries, I felt the various parts of my body throbbing again, "I will heal just fine, minister. But I appreciate the concern. Now I have a favour to ask. The survivors aren't aware of my identity so I was hoping that when they are revealed this information, you could perhaps clear up any misunderstandings on my behalf."

"It would be an honour of mine to declare the involvement of the newest queen of this kingdom. Please rest assured, and enjoy your holiday to the fullest. I shall take your leave now."

"Take care Minister Conti." And Minister Conti cut the call.

The past week had been exhausting, scratch that the past month has been exhausting. But the relief that I saw on the survivor's faces was worth any amount of physical and mental pain to me. This mission might have been an opportunity to test me but it had taught me way more. The feeling of responsibility, the feeling of protecting someone from every form of harm. I wonder if my emotions are so high, how much would Rei be feeling?

Alpha's, after all, are to an extent biologically wired with these emotions. And he is Alpha King himself. My emotions will never reach his level, this much I know.

And I am back to thinking about Rei. I had been trying to ignore my meltdown but it's like the brain is a sadist who loves torturing me with embarrassing moments and a guilty conscience.

I know for a fact I shouldn't have snapped at him this, it was not his mistake and that was a poor way of representing my emotional turmoil. I should have been calm about all that but my emotions had already escalated and my mind had packed its bags and moved to Timbuktu.

Well, I will explain to him that when I go back, no point fretting about it now. I collected my luggage and called my friend, Tristan, to see if he is here to pick me up yet or not.

"Dude, I am outside terminal 3, where are you."

"Duuude, I am sorry but some errands came up so I sent a driver to pick you up. Will you be alright?" came his reply.

"Don't sweat it. I think I have spotted the driver, I will see you in 2 hours back at the villa. Laters."

The driver, an extremely patient werewolf helped me stack all my luggage, and then proceed to ask whether I needed to stop for food or not.

"No, no, sir I don't need food, let's just reach the villa before evening."

He nodded his head, "Of course madam."

Once we have settled in he asked, "Madam, are you a Luna or something because I have never felt such a powerful presence in my entire life."

"I am actually," I replied.

"Which pack if you don't mind me asking, Luna?" he glanced at me through the mirror.

"Ummmm.... I am, well this is odd, it's my first time introducing myself to someone, so I apologise if I sound rude. I am Felix West, mate of..... Alpha King Vadeus." Okay, I made this awkward for no reason at all.

Then came a screeching halt, " I am sorry for being ignorant, your majesty. I hope I haven't stepped out of line." The driver said in a low voice, I didn't miss the slight tremble.

"It alright sir, let's just get back to the ride, shall we?" I reassured him, trying to keep my tone as cheerful as I can.

"As you say, your majesty." The driver started the car again and the atmosphere was stifling. So I decided to make small talk.
"So how long have you been working at this side of Canada, sir?"

In a much-relaxed tone, the driver replied, "For about 20 years now. But I have recently started working for Lord Tristan."

"That explains why I have never seen you before, I and Tristan go way back and this villa had been a weekend retreat for a lot of supernatural beings. It's good to know you we have found such an experienced person to add to the family."

I could feel the heartbeats of my companion easing back to normal and I gave a mental high five to myself.

"Thank you, Madam. It's a pleasure serving such a wonderful community." He replied.
So now that the tension has eased up, I could feel my fatigue set in again, and between small talk, I fell asleep in the backseat of the car. I was barely conscious when the sun went down and the car came to stand in front of a familiar villa.

A pair of arms lifted me and I instinctively snuggled closer. There was a lot of chatter around me but for the love of the moon goddess, I couldn't remember anything they said. I couldn't guess anything but for some bizarre reason, I said.


"I know I know, you need your socks, I take care of that, you can go back to sleep."

As the title said.......... THE KING IS HERE BABY!!!!

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