41 | How do I say this?

177 14 3

I do apologize for being on the latter side of the week. I caught a fever, so this update will be a little filler style and the real challenge will begin next week. 




"Is it the same Phoneix rite I am thinking about, or did they invent something similar?" 

I could understand Acimer's disbelief from that sentence alone. That's what I did first when I read it too. To take it a step further I leafed through old books to confirm my memory. 

But it was all true. The Council had the audacity and geniuses to demand the one ritual that wasn't banned for the royalty. Someone had become too tired of living I guess. 

"It is the same one. You know the loophole. Some king abolished it long ago for the general public but he never wrote the royalty in his amendment. Then the law passed that doesn't allow the royalty to change laws concerning themselves until and unless the price is paid. Nobody assumed it would be used again anyway." I answered reminding him of what I studied. 

"But isn't that something only the royal family knows?" Acime asked in confusion. 

"It is, but you forgot the DeLarges were once royalty too. My great-grandma was a DeLarge herself. Some information might not have been as secured as we make sure it is today." 

Acimer fell silent after that, he looked deep in thought. Probably trying to find a solution. 

"Can't we just pay the remuneration or whatever is necessary and get the law changed now?" He suggested.

"Laws like that are prospective, not retrogressive." I countered

"Fair. Have you talked to Luna about it?" 

I shook my head at the negative. I just couldn't make myself call her. I hadn't met her in days how could I call and give her such bad news? 

"You should tell her. And discuss your steps moving forward. Tell her when you meet her today."

"I haven't met her in days. What are you talking about?" 

He fixed me with an all-knowing look, "Sure if that's what you wanna go with. But I am living it is my turn to collect the milk bottles for the night from the kitchen. You talk to your queen." He gave me a bad rendition of a wink and left the office. 

I rehearsed what I wished wanted to talk to her about and then gathered my courage and called her. The phone had only rang once and she picked up the call. 

"Hello hello, what are we up to today?" It was her usual greeting but something was off with her. She sounded as if she was trying to put up a front.

"What's wrong?" I enquired. 

She went silent, I thought maybe she was having connectivity issues, but then she started again before I could call her again. 

"Mum's condition doesn't look. She hasn't woken up in a few days. And even with her heavier medications, she hasn't slept for this long in a few years now."

Her mother's curse was something we haven't talked much about. Luna West was a proud person. She loved that she could help so many people in so many ways. But jealousy doesn't spare anyone and she could no longer help anyone. To add salt to the misery she would forever be dependent on the people she loves in one way or another. Both the mother and daughter were amazing people and fate had handed them awful cards. 

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