11 | Heart to Heart

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Here I am back with the double update. My motive while writing these two chapters was some built in our King's and Queen's relationship. Hope you would enjoy that.



Once Miss West have admired each and every corner of the throne room, asking me tons of questions about each picture and mural on the walls, we both had finally come back to my office and settled down comfortably on the balcony munching on the left cupcakes.

We both had been silent for a while just looking out in the training grounds. I was trying to remember just when I had some time off like that. When have I last shared comforting silence with someone? But no matter how long I look into my memory, I never had even one single instance where I have been this calm and relaxed before.

"My king-"

"I clearly remember mentioning that I would like you to drop formalities when we are alone, Felix. It gives me a feeling of unequal distribution of power between us, which is not what I had wished for."

Felix looked at me with a pensive expression, "Well I suppose you don't enjoy the feeling. But to me, the title means respect, not superiority. So even though I am not that comfortable in lowering the formalities entirely, I understand how you feel. So I guess I can call you Rei, this way we keep your wish and mine too."

Rei is my middle name, which also means king.

"Well, I can't say anything against that logic. So what questions did you have?"

Her eyebrows raised slightly, "Ooho, Rei you are catching up. Yes, I have a few questions. But mostly I want to know what kind of people are these councilmen and councilwomen. Since I am going to face the council in a few days can I have a few pointers as to what to expect? Who knows the council better than the toughest ruler himself?"

"When the majority of my conversation with queen had been some form of questions why won't I catch up?" The comment was a bit brash from my usual self, but it was something I have been meaning to say for a while now.

Felix twisted her body so she was facing me more properly, her eyes showing her amusement at my response. "Between the both of us, we know who is busier."

"In my defence, you never asked if I had time. I would have made some for you. Just like today." Never thought I would say this, but here I am uttering words of commitment to someone.

She pulled her hair out of the bun which she had, smiling slightly at me, "Well I have to agree to that. I'll make sure to remember that. But it goes the same for you. All you have to do is ask."

Nodding back I urged her to continue with her queries, to which she excused herself from me and ran towards my room. It took her a total of 2 min to return, with what I assume is called a 'tablet'.

"I am back." She announced and took her previous position back. "Rei," She paused, making me slightly wary of what she was about to say, "I am about to ask you a question which holds a lot of meaning to me, perhaps the most important question I will ever ask you. So think this through and then answer carefully."

Even if she hadn't worded it so specifically, I still would have answered in the same manner because her voice projected the severity of the topic she is about to initiate.

"Our journey, so far, has been pretty amicable and smooth. It's a surprise that we had come this far, without any arguments among each other or with others..."

Something about that sentence was a bit off to me, so I couldn't help but comment, "Why does that surprise you?"

"I was coming to that part. But please refrain from cutting me in the future," I murmur a quiet 'sorry' at the warning, "As I was saying, I was quite surprised to find that we are getting along quite well when I had come here thinking that I will have to fight tooth and nail for everything. And among many reasons that maybe be responsible for that, the one which stands out is respect for each other we have. At least that's what I think. I am truly thankful to our goddess for giving me a person who understands me and respects me."

I nodded, "I agree. I never imagined it would be easy to get along with a stranger, but I must admit have been at a lot of peace after you have arrived. But what's the question, Felix?"

"The council, according to what I have heard from your parents, are made up of people who generally don't take anyone seriously apart from the nobles of each supernatural kingdom. I, for one, can't tolerate being disrespected. If they treat me in the same manner then the probability of me turning into a sarcastic, stubborn and downright uncooperative person is very high. But seeing that you have had a similar response to the council made me worried as well as happy. Happy because the person I am going to spend my life with, sticks to his morals and isn't afraid of voicing them. I share the same ideology."

She sighed and looked outside towards the training field, "Worried, because I know I am supposed to 'act' more cooperative in comparison to you. The yin to your yang. It's the most reasonable thing to do. The best course of action. But I am not the kind of person who can tolerate anyone undermining my authority. I thought about it for a while, and honestly, I don't mind acting a bit docile in front of them. It would require a bit of an effort but I respect you enough to do that. The question is do you want me to do that? Do you wish that the woman who is about to represent your nation act like a simple 24-year-old lady or a female who was trained to be an Alpha? Which kind of queen do you want me to portray?"

I remained silent for a while, collecting my thoughts and opinions. I knew how much my answer mattered to her. "Let me start by telling you that I love the fact that you said 'portray' not 'be'. Secondly, I appreciate the amount of thought you have put into all this. I realised I was really lucky in getting such an amazing person as a mate. I am going to be very honest with you here, I had a list of things I wanted my would-be-mate to follow, yet I didn't have to tell you even one of them. It was like you automatically knew what they were. Why am I telling you this? Because even then I never planned to control or dictate my mate's behaviour and that is not going to change now. You asked me what my wish is; my wish is that you don't lose your essence. You don't turn into something your current self isn't. You stick to your morals and stand beside everything you believe. But also don't want you to have a hard time. So do everything you think is correct here. I would have your back."

She didn't say anything to me just got up from her seat, placed her arms on my shoulders, gave them a small squeeze and in her softest voice said, " Just for that, I am getting you a gift tomorrow."

What will she gift him, I wonder.
What do you all think it would be?
Don't forget to check the next one...

Luna FelixWhere stories live. Discover now