43 | The Frost and The Foreboding

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I remember the first time I met Felix. She had mentioned that she switches to autopilot when in extreme situations. And I am finally experiencing what she meant back then. She was humming and looking around like a perfectly relaxed individual but I knew the reality. The hand that was sweaty in my hold despite the snow around us, the eyes that were seeing but not registering anything. 

"Felix," I call her out as I sense the council members a couple of miles away from us, "Felix, they will be here in a few." 

She took a couple of long breaths in and out, "I am excited now. Let them come and see how their ways to separate have done the opposite." She threw a mischievous smile and weaved our fingers together. 

Catching her hint, I tugged on our joined hands and pulled her closer. I took in the scene around me one last time because I knew this was the last time I looked at this place without tainted emotions. 

This was an eerily beautiful forest that was mostly unused over the years, making it a perfect spot for one of the toughest labyrinths the olden people made on all seven continents. The forest was close to the sacred lands of our goddess. 

The Sacred lands referred to the lands that the goddess herself lived on aeons and aeons ago. But it's just a rumour. There are no records or physical evidence of her residence. 

However, the area is mysterious in itself. It experiences heavy snowfall all year round despite no mountain near this year. So this land was given to the temple and even they steer clear of this area. 

The snowfall also affects the area around it, making it significantly cold for us and snow here too. This is why this forest that's beautiful except for that labyrinth is covered with light snow. 

Felix elbowed me on my side, "Let go for a second." 

"Why?" I asked letting go as asked.

"I need to put on my gloves." She unzipped her jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of black fingerless gloves. She gave one for me and one for herself. 

"You can wear both, I have my gloves too," I explained showing my own pair that I wear often. 

"No these are special. They are set. They have a cast on them. If the two pair are separated, they would find their way back." She bunched the glove and started shoving my hand through it. 

"But why would we-" 

She interrupted me and said, "You know why I was called Luna Felix. Because I have earned that title at the cost of my blood. I have protected my people from everything. My intuition has been honed through life-and-death situations. So, when my intuition tells me not to go, I listen to it. However, I am ignoring every signal and standing in front of the danger. So when I say do it, you do it. No questions asked, no hesitation. You might be the king, mightier than everything, but this isn't about strength anymore. Listen to me and you live to rule this land, got it?" Felix warned, looking me dead in the eyes. She let go of my hand and started to move towards the direction of cars that are visible now in the foliage. 

But she doesn't get to give a hero speech and forget that her one and only audience will have feedback. So like a lot of firsts today, I did another first. I jogged a couple of steps, looped my hand around her waist and pulled her flush against me. 

Her gasp told me she was shocked by my actions because never before in our time together had I initiated such a thing or touched her with anything but gentleness. But dire situations require dire actions. 

"Luna Queen Felix West, I caught that you know. I caught all of them. The "love you, bye", the referring to me as a distraction, the disassociation, the running off.  And above all, I caught the "you live to rule this land". Just because I don't talk doesn't mean I don't listen. So Luna Queen, I don't give a fuck about what WE do in there and I don't give a fuck about how WE survive. What I do give a fuck about is WE make it out alive because anything else means none of them live to see another sunrise. The world can call me whatever ludicrous name they want."

Felix cranks her neck to look at me, "Rei that is-"

"I didn't say I was finished. I know you value life. And so do I. But for me, you are the most important. So it would do you well to stand by your word and protect yourself with all you have because you won't like what happens if you don't. Am I clear, Felix?"

"You know-" But before she could answer the cars were within visible range and the sound of screeching tires halted her. 

I tighten my hold a little more, lifting her off the ground in the process and let go instantly after that. Because that's not the show for this audience. 

"I didn't know the royals have started being demonstrative in public." Taunted the Senile De Large as soon as he stepped out of the car. 

Felix took a step back and stood next to me saying, "It's been wisely said that we learn something new every day. I didn't know old age made you murder resistant. But here we are."

The rest couldn't help but snicker at the DeLarge. And I took the opportunity to take a stock of who have joined us here. In addition to Delarge, the other 3 representatives are Ambassador of Giants Lady Crow and Ambassador of Vampire Kingdome: Madame Kira Tamwood, and Sir Franklyn Aido are here. Along with them are three people in priest uniform, probably of the lower grade because neither I nor the high priest approved any requests of nobility to hire Priests or have their own priest.  

Sir Franklyn steps forward, "A very good afternoon to Your Majesty and The administrator of the North Pack, Luna West. We are extremely grateful that you considered the council worthy enough to have a say in your coronation."

And despite Felix quipping with a, "I hope that was the case." he continued his spiel. 

"I would like to give you the brief of the ritual now. Madame Kira can you start the record now." 

Madame Kira was blessed with the ability to record real-life situations and replay them at her will. But instead of a video, it is like a 3D render of the events. It's a rare ability and one needs to be born of true vampire blood to inherit it. 

The brief went over the same rules that Lady Crow had sent us in advance. And we pretended to be shocked at appropriate places. Even Sir Franklyn flinched twice while explaining and sent a sidelong glance to Old Delarge. 

The Sly Delarge didn't give me and Felix time to process, he was hell-bent on playing every dirty trick in the book, "Your Majesty please enter the magic circle and perform the opening ceremony." 

I entered the magic circle, while Felix stalked towards the priest who was drawing the magic circle as we were listening to the explanation. We as werewolves have stayed away from ancient magic, a flaw I didn't think of before. But thankfully Felix came prepared. She borrowed the liquid used by the priest and then whipped out a paper from her inner pocket that had some drawings similar to this magic circle on it. 

She inspected the circle from every angle despite DeLarge urging her to stop wasting time. Once she was satisfied she stepped into the middle of the circle with me. 

"Your hand," I asked taking out the knife from my pants. I made a small cut on the tip of both of our fingers and let a few drops of blood drop on the ground. I quickly pulled out a handkerchief and a bandaid and handed it to Felix, who looked at me shocked. After all, she isn't the only one who came prepared. 

It's a tradition to offer blood and inform the goddess that we are attempting a ritual on her premises. "Goddess of Moon, the sage of the night. We, your children, have come to your land to wash away the tarnish on our names, our bond and our love. Kindly look over us in this quest. Your Children Felix and Orief."

"That is excellent your Majesty, I hope you find a worthy result in this quest," provoked the almost-dead Delarge. Before Felix or I could reply to him, the magic circle activated and we were thrown inside the labyrinth. 


Even though Luna Felix hasn't cleared Watty's shortlist, I would continue updating once a week/10 days. Until I finish the book. Hope you all have a fun ride.

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