6 | The Secret Is Out

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 Read chapter 5 as well.


"Keeping the queen a secret for 3 months will be impossible." This was how my father greeted me the morning before the anticipated weekend.

I put down my spoon and concentrated on my dad. He knows I hate any interruption during breakfasts, so this must have been worrying a lot.

"Have you thought this through or not? You were supposed to find your mate at the ball. It has been two days and we haven't given any official announcement. The international council will start hounding us for answers any day. Forget about them. What will you say to the kingdom and your people who are waiting for their queen? You can't keep your silence for three months. Even two weeks is not possible."

"Thanks for pointing it out Dad. I agree. I will try to fix it." Wiping my mouth, I left the dinning room.

Turning toward my office corridor, I could already hear three voices. Two I knew were of Huxx and Acimer. The third voice was not actually present there. But was coming through a cell-phone? Maybe it's was Acimer's mate.

Acimer and Huxx were standing outside my office door with frowns on there faces. The voice was actually Miss Felix's voice.

"..... So this was what happened. I didn't know what would be the best way to reply. I am sorry for calling this early in the morning Beta Acimer I know you don't like mornings. I promise to make you the cupcakes you liked last time, an entire batch. Okay?"

"I LOVE THEM. Can you bring them tomorrow when you come? As to your problem we should brief the king about this. Here he is."

I shot a look at both of them. What was so important that the two night-owls have blessed me with there presence this early in the morning.

Once all of us are settled in my office asked them to proceed with whatever the trouble is.

"Your majesty, good morning and sorry to trouble you this early but I have a problem," I was not offered cupcakes. "There was a mail for me last night at around 1 AM. It was written by what I assume is one of your admirers, accusing me of pretending to be your mate."

How the hell did this information leak? How can anyone pretend to be someone's mate? How come I was not offered cupcakes????

"We ran the email address through Minster Conti...." Huxx is now finally awake, "He suspects it from one of the daughters of the international advisors."

International advisors are respected people of different species who are selected to make a panel if the international council which helps maintain a balance between various supernatural kingdoms.

Acimer frowned at the new piece of information and that was exactly how I felt too. He motioned for Huxx to hand over the phone.

"Luna, you go on with your work. We will look into this and as soon as we come up with a solution I can call you back. You have a lot to do, don't worry about this."

"You are right. I can't offer any help here. Keep me updated. Take care."

"So what do you think we should do?" Acimer usually has a plan, his question tells me he has one but he doesn't want to follow through.

"Call Mrs Morton to draw a statement to send to the international council that I have found my mate, also ask Maynard to inform all the alphas about this as well. Just don't disclose who."

Acimer didn't say anything which is weird I need to ask him if something is wrong. He gave me a small bow and left, and so did Huxx.

After that, the entire day went by in a breeze, as I didn't have much to do. I trained with the soldiers, cross-checked various applications, and even got a briefing from Minster Conti about the warning email.

"Any clue as to how did the news broke out of the castle, Maynard?"

"I am still working on it. But no information was leaked through an electronic medium. If it was, I would have known. At this point, I think the leak was done from Luna Felix's pack. If you don't mind I would like to ask permission to get a check on the North Pack server." Maynard hasn't asked for permission to check before, I guess knew the reason why.

"Go ahead. And keep me updated." Maynard was quick to leave my office but before he could open the door I said, "Also Maynard just because my mate comes from that pack, rules won't change for them."

Winding up the remaining paperwork, I thought about my visit tomorrow to the North Pack for the first time. Miss Felix so far has been so easy to work with; I actually like her calm, unaffected and professional attitude to this whole scenario. No emotional drama, no petty demands. If I knew getting my mate was this easy I would have done it a long time ago. With relief, I didn't know I needed I packed a small bag for tomorrow and fell asleep.

The next morning came quicker than I expected and with that came a list of the task I haven't done.

"Good Morning Momma, What are you scribbling so furiously?", settling down on the head chair I asked.

Mum picked up her notebook and stated "It's the things you need to do before Felix arrives today.

1. You need to clear half of your wardrobe to make space for her usual stuff.

2. Get your documents out of the spare study. So Felix can use it.

3. You-"

"Mum can't you ask someone to do that. I have something important to do today. I nee-" I stopped when Mum glared at me.

"Oreif Rei Vadeus, is this what I have taught you? Just because you are a king doesn't mean you can't do your work on your own. Now eat your breakfast and I want all this to be done by the afternoon."

"Mum, I am going to pick up Felix from her house." As soon as I said that Mum's scowl turned into a smile.

"You are going to her pack, to pick her up. Oh, my son finally learns how to impress a girl. Oh, Felix isn't even here and he is thinking about her. He can't wait for her to come, that is why-"

"Mum don't I haven't changed in a few days. I have to talk to her father and I want to get it done quickly." But my words fell deaf to Mum's ears and she continued gushing about my and Felix's supposed romance until I left the dining hall.

Acimer met me just after I was exiting the castle's main entrance, "It's good you are here, take care of all the calls and if there is anything which needs immediate attention call me."

"Safe Journey King and a piece of advice- you are talking to a girl's father, try to be a bit for polite and expressive."

I scoffed at his advice and continued my walk to my car. After throwing my bag in the car and telling the driver the destination, I opened my laptop and started to work.

The journey to North Pack only took me an hour and 20 minutes. The Alpha's house was directly opposite of the packhouse so it wasn't tough to find it.

The north pack looked normal for the most part but what didn't look normal was the line of about 30 young kids all making their way towards a pickup truck with small boxes in their hands.

What kind of training is this?


Well well, how did this happen? I didn't know. 

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