31| Special POV Pt. 3

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You know how sometimes when you get out of the shower late at night, your temperature is perfect, the bed looks clean, the sheets look clean, the blanket looks fluffy, you have a clean cold glass of water by the bed and you are ready to snuggle and scroll social media till you are ready to sleep at an ungodly hour cause tomorrow is a holiday but your friend and future sister-in-law gets into an altercation with some lowly wannabe thugs and now you can't sleep anymore because you are worried and you have to sort things out for her. No one? Just me then.

Felix turning out to be my brother, The King's, mate was not on my bingo card for this year. But it wasn't something that I didn't see coming. You see, there was a reason why Felix never bothered dating anyone even during the time she was free enough to entertain them. It's because my headstrong and independent partner in crime deserves an equally headstrong and independent soulmate. And no in some cases opposites aren't the best for each other. 

My brother just happens to be perfect for her and over the years I have tried to get them to meet. But fate has it that people would meet when they are supposed to meet and no amount of planning can change the course of events from happening. Especially the ones that are so special. Bro was always busy being the oldest son, the crown prince and then later the king. Felix had her reservations about men from the get-go. Add to that the prophecy her parents got made the situation worst. 

Alpha West never told her the prophecy in its entirety. But a part of it suggested the possibility of Felix never having a mate which is why she had lost most of her hope years ago. I never lost hope, the world might not deserve someone as amazing as Felix but some man would come close. It just so happens to be my brother. 

Felix called me to arrange a team to escort them back to the capital safely by tomorrow morning, another team for investigation and also inform everyone in the council in a way they don't panic. I mean the last one is a little above my pay grade and my repertoire. Because let us be honest I am not the poster child of calm, uhh huu not even close.

Mama and Dad had just reached the castle a couple of hours ago and they going to be panicking. Acimer and his wife are also gonna panic. Minister Morton will also join the ship. Mister Conti will probably panic too but mostly internally. Because god forbid he shows a reaction on his face.

Flynn will probably be sweating bullets, he idealises his sister a lot. Alpha West will be fine too. Mama West will ask her to come home for a few days. 

In hindsight, Felix chose the perfect person for the job. Yes, I compliment myself. I am cool like that. This is better than mindless social media scrolling.

It was when I talked to my brother later in the night that I realised that there was more to this than I had been informed. The landslide, the attack, the tight planning, the timing, it was all too suspicious and coincidental for it to be anything but a conspiracy. Conspiracy, my second favourite C-word after all. 

"I am a little worried Huxx." Came my brother's voice from over the speaker as I raided the kitchen for something to curb my bottomless pit of audacity called stomach.  Since childhood, my brother has had a calmness to him that I lacked. Even as a child when he spoke it was such a reassuring voice and tone that you couldn't help but listen and trust him. Over the years the assurance and comfort had just become more and more prominent. So when he says he is worried, it scares me a little more than I would like to admit.

"What are you worried about big bro? Anything I can help with?" 

He took another swig of something and paused as if collecting his thoughts. "It's a little too many things happening all together. I mean have I been too blindsided in my ways that there was so much brewing under my nose and I didn't even have an inkling of it? And why would they come out now? The timing doesn't make sense. The motive doesn't make sense. For the first time since I had taken over the reins, I can't see the big picture. And that has been my strength. Assassination attempts, corruption, trafficking, illegal dealing I have dealt will almost every crime the world had thrown my way. All because I had been able to process information well. I looked at things differently. I planned and planned again, never letting a single flaw pass my eyes. Then where did I go wrong this time?" His voice gained frustration by the end of his ramble.

I let go of my attempts to search for something to eat mid-way and moved to my office. I know when a conversation needs to happen behind closed doors and this is definitely one of them. Even after he finished, I didn't speak. I sat in silence trying to understand his emotions and thought process both as a brother and a gamma. 

"See, I have been feeling this for a while now but both of you have been excessively busy recently, why don't you both take a week off or something," I suggested.

But it was shot down instantly with a stern, "Absolutely not."

Just wait big brother wait till I get approval from your mate.


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