2 | What will happen tomorrow?

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 Still the same POV? Still the same POV.


After only giving us a name, my brother ran to get something asking all of us to wait for him. It's been 20 min since then and each passing minute increases the nervousness and confusion atmosphere in my office where I, Mum and Dad are waiting for him.

Huxx entered the office with an old box in his hand which he placed on the desk in front of me and started rummaging through. Dad stopped his pacing and moved to the desk and so did Mum. Huxx took out a bunch of t-shirts which were custom-made for a campaign during his high school years. If my memory is right, he sorted through the pile and took a shirt labelled as WEST.

"It's her shirt brother, can you smell it and confirm that it's the same person as that in the parking area." He tossed the shirt to me. I lifted the shirt to my nose and sure enough, it was there, her scent tangy and fresh. It was weak, probably due to years of her not wearing it.

"Yes, it's the same," I confirmed and my family let out a collective sigh of relief.

Huxx let out a louder-than-usual laugh saying, "Goddess couldn't have picked a more perfect girl for you. Things are going to be fun around here. It probably isn't just a coincidence that all of us know who she is, leaving you." He wheezed between his laughing fit.

"So who is she?" Dad asked Hoxx Huxx the answer we all were seeking.

"Her name is Felix. Felix Susan West. She is Alpha West's daughter and one of my closest friends. You know they already call her a Luna. Aunt West fell very ill just after we had finished high school, she took the responsibility of the entire pack on herself since Alpha West was in no condition to take care of anyone. Now even though Alpha West is back in action and Aunt West is doing okay but she is still the boss." Huxx paused, giving us time to chew over that piece of information.

"Is she the same girl who performed as the lead singer in your high school band?" Mum asked, to which Huxx nodded.

Dad and Mum shared a look together, talking to their mind link. Mum most probably reminding Dad that Huxx went to a common human high school and which event was she talking about, after a moment their conversation was over both had a smile on their faces.

"Can you call her Huxx?" Dad all but ordered him.

"Big bro, you want to call her?" He mind-linked me personally asking for approval.

I nodded at him. I was very much interested in knowing this girl now, especially after what Huxx have told us.

Huxx took out his phone, tapped a few times on the screen and pressed it against his ear. "Put it on speaker Huxx!" called my mum.

After a ring or two, the line was connected and I unconsciously held my breath.

[The underlined dialogue is said by Felix.]

>> Yes?

<< Nothing, I was just missing you. How's the pack going?

>>First things first how many times have I told you can't lie to me? Secondly, my pack is doing just fine. Thirdly dude you won't miss me at midnight, you will miss me when you have to hand over your work to the king and you were procrastinating and now you need help. Which is usually around 5 in the morning. So baby girl tell me what is it?

My parents are now definitely intrigued by her. It's a testament to their friendship that she knew something was different from a single sentence from her friend.

<<Sorry to lie sweetheart. I won't do it again. I was going to ask you about the ball.....

>> Oh ya I heard the King didn't find his mate yet. Wait did any one of the girls from my pack misbehave or something?

<< No no, it's not that. It's just The King thinks you are his mate, so we were wishing that you could come to the castle tomorrow and confirm this for us. And if you are then perhaps we could talk about what to do next.

>>Is the king sure it's me?

Huxx glanced at me and I nodded.

<<He is 100% sure. You know I will be so happy if you were his mate, even though I know you are his mate. Please come tomorrow.

>>*sighs* Okay I will be there tomorrow at 9 in the morning. Bye, sweetheart, I will see you tomorrow then.

With that, she ended the call. I looked around to see all my family members staring at me.

"Well, do I have to do it tomorrow?


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