5 | Reasonable Demands

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Mirror Mirror will the POV change this time? NO, IT WON'T


Silence prevailed as I didn't say anything and neither did Ms West. She had requested to talk privately with me but hadn't spoken a single word from the moment everybody left.

"Your Majesty?" well she is keeping the formalities now too. Good move.

"Yes, Miss Felix."

"I would be comfortable if you addressed me as just Felix, Your Majesty." I just gave a small nod.

"The reason I asked to talk privately is, there were a few requests and queries I am not comfortable with asking in front of the council."

I didn't reply. She looked at me with an expecting look but for what I couldn't understand. After a beat, of silence she continued.

"On the verge of sounding like an entitled person I will start with my requests. I can't move to the castle just yet. I need at least 3 months of the transition period. The reason for such a weird demand is that my younger brother is only 18 right now. He is still completing his studies. He has a few months before he finishes his final year and moves to university. Before that, I would like to transfer my responsibilities to him. I am the stand-in Alpha in my pack. And I can't transfer duties that quickly when he is at such a critical point in his life. I need time for that."

Well her reason is valid. From what I have heard she has a fairly large pack. And young wolves are usually not keen on taking responsibility.

"Take 3 months. But-" I replied before she could utter thank you, "Stay here on weekends and transfer your stuff. We don't want to inform anyone yet."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The next two requests are a bit more of a personal one. My family follows traditions very religiously. If you could talk to my father....." Felix moved forward in her seat, anxious about my response.

Again Miss West isn't being irrational here. She hasn't demanded something outrageous, why is she anxious?

"Of course, I would like to talk to Alpha West as soon as he and I have a free slot in our schedules."

She seems a whole lot more relaxed from my answer and eased back in her seat, fiddling with her hair.

Her reaction showcased that she was not expecting me to agree.

"Also I would like to share some workload. Can I work on something when I am here during weekends? Paper works or something?"

Does she want to help? Thats a generous offer from her that I didn't expect. My mum and grandma, the queens I knew, never have been interested in desk jobs of any kind. They both worked a lot for the welfare of the kingdom but none of them had worked in the day-to-day happenings of the country.

"If that's what you wish Felix then I shall look for something you could help with."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I would have hated sitting empty-handed." She smiled at me. I have to say it was an infectious smile, I almost smiled back.

"A few last questions Your Majesty. Shall I proceed?" Felix whipped out her phone again. I nodded.

"What are the king's duties towards me and what do you expect me to be with you?"

"My expectations from you are very simple Miss West, your devotion to my kingdom and its people and your complete effort as the role of queen."

Felix frowned at my statement, "But that's for the kingdom. What do you expect out of our relationship?"

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