54 | Till Death....

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REI'S POV (2:47 AM)

Felix was always cold. She got cold easily. I have grown accustomed to her temperature. But she has never been this frozen. I was rubbing her arms and legs, covering her wound but she wasn't responding anymore. Her breath came out barely. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I took out the potion bottle from my pocket and forced the liquid down her but she was frozen.

"Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix, get up get up get up, you need to wake up my queen, Felix Felix felix get up open your eyes just once just a little just ju- just once please please please please please Felix felix felix once just once open your eyes, you promised right, you promised. Please, Felix, please. I swear I swear I will never complain about you getting cold. I I I wi will never do anything you don't want. I will never ever again go against your wish. Please for the love of goddess please please just once. Just once. Wake up, huh. Wake up, please. I will do everything, we we we haven't done anything yet. I didn't take you out to eat, we we we never went shopping. I never took you out on a date. We we never got a ride on my bike together. I I I don't even know much about you. I didn't didn't get to as-ask anything. I I I just wake up, please. Please. Please. Ple-"

I felt a push against my chest. And miraculously she looked at me. My Felix she she opened her eyes and stared at me. She wanted to say something but I couldn't understand it.

I tried to read her lips in the dark while rubbing her limbs in hopes that I could get us out of there faster without jostling her wounds. But she was pushing me weakly.

ru n a wa y ru n a wa y ru n a wa y

"I am not running, I am not leaving. Shut up and save your energy." I scolded to which she glared at me and pushed me urgently.

"Well well well" came a voice behind me, "if isn't the king on his knees."

I turned around despite Felix still pushing me to run away. I will die before I leave her.

I turned around to see Maynard Conti walking towards me. Gone was the guy who wore simple sweaters. He was donning an outfit mimicking me. Almost blending in the night.

I didn't get a chance to be surprised. Because the area around me started lighting up, the pattern created an elaborate magic circle.

I looked at Felix who just stared at me with sad eyes. She knew. Of Course, she knew.

Two men emerged from the trees near us and reached to snatch Felix away from me. I picked Felix up and put her behind me.

"Ohh no no, our King, you can't do anything now. You do what I tell you to do. Give up that bitch or watch those people die. You can hear their cries can't you?"

Conti, this bastard, was right I could hear cries. I don't know who these people he had captured were but I could hear and feel the pain. It was near me, in the woods somewhere. But I— I can't give up Felix too. She still isn't breathing strong. Where would they take her? I can't even plan to fool them with her.

On the contrary, the cries grow louder and louder each second. The pattern is slowly but surely growing into a full circle. And I see more and more masked figures surrounding us. Closing on us.

I clutch Felix tighter. Oh Goddess, help me. What do I do? Whom do I save? Every choice I make will haunt me till the end of my days.

But I didn't get to make the choice I had been worried about making because Felix pushed me aside with a soft 'trust me' which only I could hear. and stood up. Anger burned in her eyes. She didn't look at me, just stared at Conti.

"Why did you do this to us? We trusted you, Conti?" She limped towards him, stared him square in the face and grabbed his collar.

Conti raised his hand to stop his lackeys from attacking her. I willed my body to stand up but realized that I couldn't, as if the circle flaming around me had tied me down.

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