29| Why do you even have this?

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The dense forest, the fast approaching midnight, the incline of the mountain ahead. The conditions of survival weren't ideal but they were not impossible. But it's essential to make it out of this situation with the minimum amount of damage. 

Felix reached around the gear shift to open the glove box and announced as she took out something wrapped in a cloth, "Before you take any malicious actions, you are in the presence of the King of Werewolves, any attack will be considered treason and punished with instant death. You have the next 3 seconds to surrender your weapons and you might be given mercy so th-"

A knife came flying towards us from somewhere in the back, narrowly missing her back as she deflected it with one of her own. The guards had used the opportunity to get out of their cars and take their respective positions, using the cars as covers. The moment the first knife was thrown they knew it was a sign that none of the attackers are making it out alive now.

Felix pushed a discreet button under her seat and threw me one of the guns wrapped in the white cloth. 

"The bullets are wolfbane laced, be careful, the magic shield has been activated it's transparent but the cover lasts only 10  mins and it doesn't cover the roof only till the windows. Stay in, take out anyone you can and don't get out. If this doesn't work out within 10 mins, we drive away and we can detonate a car or something." she whispered into my ears as she situated herself in the back seats of the jeep and aimed rapidly in the direction of the high trees.

"If you think I won't be joining the fun, my queen, then you have underestimated me," I shouted over the loud echoes of bullets flying around me. 

The only reply I got from her was when she pulled my seat back so I have room to stand comfortably. It is been a while but it doesn't mean I have forgotten how to fight. They should know that there are consequences to attacking us. 

Letting loose all the energy I hide, I let it flow. I took a look around while Felix covered us. So three more sharpshooters left, 20 marksmen on the ground with what seems like magic-enhanced bullets, 6 people covering them, 15 others who are floating around where ever they space, and 13 others who are on the way back probably back up.

With 8 mins on the clock, I trusted the others to play the ground as they want. The backups are mine.  Trusting the shield, I perch the gun on the edge of the transparent wall on the driver's side. Aiming to take out backup and communication as Felix is taking out sharpshooters and floaters. I start taking out random people to cover up that the real people who I am shooting are the backups.

All this time I was trying to be aware of what Felix is doing too. She pulls the second seat till it lays down completely on the floor of the jeep and situates herself in the middle of her jeep, using the passenger seat as raised platform to elevate her when needed.  

I almost miss a shot when Felix jumps down the jeep shouting for the others to cover her as she makes her way up the mountain forest. I wanted to call her out, to stop her from wherever she was going, but I can't follow her with the last 3 backups left. 

Sending a quick prayer to the goddess and believing in the strength of Felix. I continue my side of tackle. I can slowly feel the attackers retreating as their numbers grow smaller. They should be running away but they aren't. But before I could come to any conclusion. I heard 3 loud fireworks go in the air. I didn't even have to turn around to know it was blue. 

Three blue fireworks are the standard signal for retreating in castle manuals. It didn't take all of us time to realise something has gone wrong and Felix wanted us to retreat. I tried to use all my energy to try to locate her around me. The guards were trying to harm as many before we have to retreat. I quickly pull up the seats, ready to leave as soon as Felix arrives. I can feel her presence growing stronger and get ready to jump out in case I had to run to her. 

But what we see surprises us all. Felix comes out of the clearing covered half in blood dragging with a weird cloaked figure slouched over her shoulders. Whoever that was had the remaining attackers going feral, they aggressively charged ahead, without caring about their lives just to get them out of Felix's clutches. 

I revive the engine as one of the guards makes quick work of the nails laid ahead of us. Felix runs and throws the masked figure in the back and she climbs up herself. I fire at anyone approaching her and simultaneously accelerate the jeep. The guards follow too and with the last 1 min and 16 seconds left for the shield to deactivate, we make a run for it.

As Felix gathers herself, I feel the attackers still chasing us. Just as I was about to order them to speed up I hear Felix say, "Ask the others to get ahead of us, the shield is on, we are relatively safe and I can try to take them out."

I relay the same. Keeping a lock on my questions and anger for now. I concentrate on navigating the last bit of the incline left ahead of us. Thoughts running rampant in my head, but one shining through again and again: Never cross Felix. Ever. 


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