16 | Disappointment is worse than anger

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This is the calm before the storm. Enjoy!!!

"They are arriving in a few minutes, would you like to greet them at the entrance?" Huxx's voice snapped me back to reality. I nodded my head and walked outside, actually dreading the arrival of these guests.  

The Wests were informed about this entire fiasco as soon as the basic examination of Felix was finished. She had sustained a major injury to her sides. She later explained that Miss DeLarge was carrying a small dagger hidden in her back and frustrated with Felix's victory she decided to come kill Felix right their and while Felix tried to dodge she got stabbed in her side multiple times.

I don't want to imagine what would have happened if Felix hadn't thrown her off in time. We rushed her to the medical wing where she had received her treatment and after everything finished I asked her to be shifted back in my room.

After almost 2 hours the other members of the West family have arrived and I am going down to receive them personally with Huxx. I haven't even reached the main door when the familiar scent alerted me of the arrival of Wests. The Alpha and his son were being escorted towards us.

Flynn averted his eyes as soon as he looked at me. On the other, the rage in Alpha West's eyes was visible. We all exchanged some tensed greetings and then I lead them to meet Felix.

As we walked back, Huxx slowed down and talked to Alpha West. It was clear he was very familiar with him as he quickly eased the alpha and explained the situation to him in detail. Soon we reached my room and Huxx walked past me to open the door. But I knew she was not inside. I had felt something missing the moment I entered the west wing.
"Here is she--- where did she go?" Huxx glanced back at me as if I would know.

"Where is my daughter, Alpha King?" Alpha West went up a few notches in the end.
"Well, she was supposed to be resting here. But she must have woken up and gone somewhere. I will go ask the guards if they have seen her." Huxx answered on my behalf and shuffled out of there with Alpha West hot on his tail.

Flynn stayed back with me. His brown eyes stared unblinkingly at me. Reminding me of his sister so much. After a silent moment, he spoke, "You know where she is right? The guards must have immediately told you if she moved."

Perspective as his sister, isn't he? "Yes, there were guards outside patrolling this entire corridor. I reduced the number because your sister finds them annoying. I don't know where she is, since everybody is asked to keep an eye on her and nobody has informed me anything. Which leads me to believe that she has slipped past unnoticed. But I have an idea as to where she might be." I answered him honestly. I like that kid way too much to let him worry in vain.

His body slumped, realising all the earlier tension, "Good. Let go to her then, shall we?"
I nodded and motioned him to follow me. " You were angry at me earlier?"

He stilled for a second, "Why would you think so, Alpha King sir?"

"You didn't look at me earlier and also your father is angry at me. I know. And it's valid. I just assumed you felt the same towards me."

"Actually, no I wasn't angry. On the other hand, I was disappointed. You promised to take care of her and she ends up injured in just one week." Those brown eyes were filled with emotions and honesty. Not realising that disappointment is worse than any amount of anger. "Then Huxx told the entire story and I realised it wasn't your fault but my happy-happy can be stubborn sometimes. She must have egged on the other person. She does that a lot when she is fighting people. Dad says that it will land her in more trouble now that she has become a queen."

"Thank you for being honest. But I do agree with you it was my fault in more ways than one." Flynn opened his mouth to speak something but I cut him off, "Don't. Also, be quiet, your sister is ahead we don't want to make more noise. Her head is still sensitive due to the medicine."

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