15 | The Unfair Battle

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After the last update I was struggling to write the following chapter . Switching the point of view did seem to do the trick here. Hope you all enjoy Acimer's point of view.

[ Unedited ]


Power potions, if the world was an RPG game it would be a scam trick. It does nothing its name suggests. Its actually one of the most easiest potions to recognize since the effects of consumption are so visible.

Power potion though is still useful though. It is made in such a way that it numbs the flight sense and drives the adrenaline to its highest possible level. And that's what makes it a dangerous potion as well. It messes with the mind of the being who consumes it. Something which a lot of witches try not to disturb.

So when I saw the ambassadors granddaughter enter the arena looking like the textbook picture of an overdose on Power potion. I was more frustrated then angry.

The reason for my frustrations was that it was my mistake that I didn't think of including it in the consent contract. But it's the such cheap and dangerous trick that I didn't think someone even would try to attempt it. And to top that of if Luna gets injured due to my slip up I wouldn't be able forgive myself.

Looking at my side I could feel the tension radiating of Orief. He may be the king but he is also my best friend. If there ever was a completion on 'who knows the king best?' I will probably be finishing a second or third. He is actually very simple person. He divides the world in black and whites and lives by that category. A man who is not afraid to turn to either sides so he could give people exactly what they deserve.

I was about to say something to defuse the tension when I noticed that the stiff posture of his body was turning normal. Surveying the area, I arrived at a odd sight.

Luna Felix was perched up on one of the small pillars, swing her legs and from the faint sounds I could grasp, humming as well. She looked absolutely unbothered this development.

"Luna looks relaxed?" I couldn't help but comment through the mind link.

"Well, she is taking off the shirt so it means she has a plan." Came the reply.

And true enough there she was discarding her shirt, untying her hair. Now looking even more fearsome in a black crop top and leggings and wild hair. She took off her shoes and threw them out to Huxx, who passed her a pair of black gloves.

"One how did you come to that conclusion, two aren't you concerned for her?"

Orief glanced at me as he answered through the mind link. "She hates getting her clothes in her way. Her throwing of my shirt away is a signal of refusing to take it easy on her opponent. And I am not concerned about the amount of skin she is showing, I thought you weren't that type of person."

"Nice deduction there. And I was not talking about that. What I meant is that aren't you worried now that young lady is using cheap tricks?"

I didn't get a reply to that one. Just a small smile and a head shake. This jerk, he knows something.

Luna finished tying her hair in a bun and still humming something I guess. We had asked Madam Lisa to be the referee. She had readily agreed commenting something about first row seats or something.

I observed Minster Conti who has just settled down. He handed a paper to Oreif, who chuckled after reading it. He motioned his hands in a come-forward manner. Who is he calling?

The synchronised footsteps catch everyone's attention. It's our warriors. They must have asked permission to watch too.

I could feel the excitement in the air as the last of the staff and warriors trickled in. And I took this as my cue to start.

Stepping down from the top of the stadium, I took the mic I had specially got arranged for occasions like these. Yes, I went overboard with speakers, screens, 7 different cameras and mikes. I have a wife who is addicted to drama and I enjoy it just as much as her. Sue me for recording historical moments.

"Good evening, I know you all aren't here to listen to me speaking, so let's get straight to the challenge. Our referee, Luna and Miss Challengers are all ready. Rules are simple. Whoever pins the other for 10 sec on the floor wins, there will be three rounds and the first one to clear 2 or more rounds wins the challenge."

I settled down nearby and watched the fight unfold. Luna listens attentively to Miss Lisa while the young lady looks restless as each second passes. Which makes sense since her senses would have been going crazy right now. Miss Lisa stepped outside the designated fighting area and the first round was announced.

As soon as the bell rings the young lady charges at Luna. Luna easily ducks out and moves back. Next comes a kick and which she easily diverts by catching her ankle mid-air and twisting it around.

For the next couple of minutes, this goes on happening, Luna dodges and moves around, agitating her opponent. Each time she leaves an opening, Sir Vadeus chuckles like that is the funniest thing he has seen. I could feel the doubt of people around us. When the next set of manoeuvres are ignored successfully Luna doesn't give time to recover and easily pins Miss Delarge even though she seems to be thrashing like crazy.

10 seconds pass by in a breeze and Luna is declared the winner. And I have never heard a louder cheer for someone in my entire life. Sir Vadeus seems to be whispering to Mama Vadeus, "Daughter-in-law should not have flexed this much. Now Miss DeLarge would feel really embarrassed."

The second round is announced to start in 5 minutes and Papa Vadeus practically skips to the fighting ring. During this whole one person had sat there with utmost patience and dignity, My best friend. I swear even the ambassadors were enjoying themselves but not Our King.

His eyes were fixed on his mate the entire time. Taking in her every move in and not saying anything. Not giving any reaction. This is a classic Oreif thing but I am going to be honest when I say that I expected more of a reaction from him.

The second round starts and follows the path of the first one. But everyone could see that the power potion is kicking in cause the lady was getting more and more aggressive with each second. Frankly, she is scaring me a little.

"Finish it up, dude." I could hear Huxx call out from the sidelines. And soon enough Luna has the girl twisted around and pinned.

After that, everything happened in a flash. Miss DeLarge freed one of her hands and tried to push Luna off. Luna tried her best and ten seconds soon was up. We all shouted in excitement. But a scream pierced through it all. The scream was from Luna and all I could see was her twisted face, blood on the ground and a livid Alpha King Oreif Rei Vadeus running towards his mate.

Okay, that was not supposed to happen, but my hand kinda slipped. Comment on what you thought Power Potion did.

PS: the song on top was what Felix was humming.

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