21| When trouble comes knocking

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I was wrong, so wrong. A headache-ridden Rei would have been much easier than this is thoroughly pissed version. For the first hour, I enjoyed him getting angry at the comments thrown at me. I have been listening to these people for years and sadly I am now very much used to it. But if Rei hears one more comment, someone is going to get their heads snapped.

He might not behave like it, but Rei actually has a bad temper. And trust me I don't wish to see the temper of Alpha King himself. I discreetly waved over Huxx and he was perspective enough to move Rei to the different area of the dining hall.

I know the kind of people I was around during my younger days and I had steeled myself to a certain degree on the comments I would hear. These are the people who put on a smile as they meet you and gossip about you behind your back. It just happens to be their bad luck that I can hear them.

She is so proud of the country no one knows about, how can she even stand on stage with that face, why does she have to answer every question, look at her no sense of fashion, did you hear she punched the guy who asked her out, she is only using Huxx since he is rich and royalty.....

This was what they said about me away from my ears and years later only the context had changed. Now they also wonder how I managed to 'fool' the king to be my 'boyfriend' or how 'more arrogant' I have become just by having a powerful king beside me.

I was used to it, not my mate. He has faced his fair share of criticism and has been around fake people. But he has yet to see the pettiness of human beings who live in their high school glory days.

I put on another smile and face another backstabbing person coming towards me, "Hi! It's so good to see you." I never said I am bad at being fake-nice to people. As a confession, I am actually very good at it.

"Hi!! Felix, you look so good. Heard you are with Huxx's brother. Wow, girl never thought you had it," another beautiful pretentious female dog comes and hugs me. We both know she is here for some of the dirty details which I am not going to give her.

I mingle throughout the evening while keeping an eye on Rei. Hopefully, he's getting along with a few people in our community. Dinner time arrives and we all gather in the dining hall for an early dinner so we could all be up early for tomorrow's wedding.

As soon as Rei took a seat beside me, he leaned over and whispered, "The pains look bad, why don't you take some medicine for it?"

Amazed that he noticed I answered, "I usually can handle them, but I have been standing for a while and my body hasn't recovered from the activities of this week, also human medicine isn't that effective."

He nodded his head with a sombre expression and started putting food on his plate. Well, there aren't that many solutions but I have always been on the painful side of the period crams spectrum and over the years you just learn to deal with them.

"What do you want to eat?" Rei asked once more, I looked down at his plate which has different items neatly arranged. I subconsciously took note of the foods he has chosen.

"I will take everything you have. That's pretty much all I would have taken too."

He smiled and switched his filled plate with my empty one and started serving himself again. I tried to give it back but he refused. Cue two people trying to aggressively snatch dishes for 2 minutes. In the end, he used his large frame to block me and gave me a side-eye.

"If we were somewhere else, I would have definitely taken that," I muttered.

"Queen I would still have won." He sneered back.

I liked it when he didn't talk this much. I threw a begrudging thank you and started eating. Other than that nothing much happened the entire evening between us.

A lot of 'people' try to engage Rei in a conversation, but his short answer and aristocratic demeanour didn't let them go far. But that didn't stop the women around here, especially those who didn't come from the supernatural communities. Apparently, they find his deep voice alluring, and his 'dark' and 'brooding' style attractive.

At least that's what I heard around in whispers here and there. It was so funny for me that I was relaying them to Huxx across the table and we were having quite a laugh at Rei's face every time he heard one of these comments.

It was during dessert that something really scary happened. I had gone to the kitchen to help the chefs get trays in the dining hall. I settled down and the bowls were being served when someone raised the topic of a get-together of our graduating class. Soon there were ideas being thrown around about what we could do. It will be fun I guess but aren't get-togethers and stuff done on anniversary years.

"Well whatever happens the band is performing, right?" said another one of my old bandmates.

I didn't realize that there were a few eyes which have turned to me and glanced at Rei. He was looking at me as well and I was about to tell him, how I used to be a singer back in the day when both heard a comment. Well, a comment will be putting it in a somewhat polite light; it was a derogatory term for me.

A term which labelled me as a woman who had changed her ways for a man, a woman who is letting a man control her and I have been called worse in my life but this one hit badly. Because every supernatural heard it, my best friend heard it, my mate heard it.

Rei snapped his head toward the two women who had said that, and they had dear caught in the headlight look on their faces, which they instantly switched to feigning ignorance. Rei shifted so as to get up, but I placed my hands on his forearm halting him.

He looked at me with disbelief and anger, but I pulled his hand down. "No need to react to that Rei."

"But that's blatant disrespect to you." His displeasure is clear in his eyes as he whispers beside me.

"Let it be, they are nothing to me, why waste our energy?" I said not only to him but also to everyone who had looked at me with concern.

They all gave smiles or nods. Huxx just tipped his desert on their shoes. Suppressing my laugh at that, I replied back to my bandmates, "Of course, we are, the life of every festival and party. Without us the year would have been boring as heck."

Through agreements and excitement, we made multiple plans for the future and the negatives were forgotten. Or so I thought.

Because I heard a 45-minute long rant on how indecent and downright rude the humans were from the Alpha King as I packed our bags in our room.

"I am telling you I am never interacting with them ever again." I realized that the more he gets frustrated the more he talks.

"Rei let's just sleep; we need to get up early for the ceremony tomorrow."

"When's our flight again?" He asked as he stretched and lay down.

I paused for a second, "It is in the evening but we will have to leave early from the reception to catch it."

"That's even better; I don't want to spend another minute between these people." He grumbled.

I laughed at that but I was slightly bothered too. I didn't want him to dislike an entire species due to some individuals. But as I switched off the lights and got comfortable in bed, I couldn't help but feel anxious for some reason. As if something really bad was knocking at the doorstep.

And boy was a right. Because trouble had come knocking and it wasn't alone.



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