47 | The Second Challenge

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Me: Mirror mirror on the wall, who's POV is this?

Mirror: Use Logic Bitch, Logic!!


I was standing in a forest. There was little to no light this deep in the forest and the moonless sky added to the dark. But unlike Rei's experience, I remember everything, I remember why I am here and how I got here. 

It could be because of the artefacts, or maybe it's due to me or maybe it's due to my knowledge of this object. Whatever it is, I spawned exactly where I remembered I was that night.

The Sword of Demons, unlike its name, isn't made to fight demons. Not in literal sense at least. It was a legendary object that I was sure would make an appearance as I was aware one of the council members was in possession of it. 

I have been looking to try my hand at it for close to a decade now. It's because Sword of Demons will let you fight your inner demons. Anything that has troubled you will be magnified and you will be forced to face it again. Despite the challenge, a lot of rulers and leaders have used the sword for years to overcome their inner demons. I am no different than them. 

The most scary night of my life was also one of my most unsatisfactory night too. The night I was cursed for a lifetime. 

I always thought there was something very wrong about everything that happened. I knew that the moment I touched the sword, I would get to relive that night again. And while I am aware that the magic is only a recreation of the incident and I would never be able to change the outcome in real life, I know deep down my subconscious remembers something that I forgot and I just need to relive it again to figure it out. 

Some may think it's useless when nothing is going to change. But I disagree. 

You see for this challenge me and my king have researched a lot. We even as far as lying to everyone. We pretend that we meet daily, but we don't. We both left our vehicles at one place and took other means to truly fool everyone. 

We both worked independently and shared information but there were some things I didn't tell him. He doesn't know I was in contact with the coven even after all these years. And when the coven stopped responding to my messages and vanished in thin air, all alarms in my head went off. 

The last message the leader left me was, "I am truly sorry for what I did child. I pray that the ancient being gives you strength to survive."

And while I know this is how he always speaks. He is always kind and remorseful but this message was more a warning than a blessing. 

My gut tells me that someone other than us knows of the curse or at least part of it. I assumed he must be in danger and that is why I let Acimer steal that information. It is always better when two people are searching. 

But neither he nor I could find them. The only clue I could was that whoever was related to that attack too. So now not only is this important to my satisfaction, but above all it might be related to my life and Rei's life too. 

I evaluate my surroundings but do not move excessively. Stamina will be the key here and since I was only 15 back then my physical abilities lacked severely. It took me no time to find out which direction the coven was located but instead of rushing there, I decided to stay back and observe the instigators. 

While I waited for them to arrive hidden on the branch, I tried to recall the testimonies of everyone. Most people didn't know what happened and they didn't see anyone. As far as I remember neither did I. But then how did the fire start? And it wasn't a small fire, it was a fire that surrounded the entire coven with no way out. I and three others were sent to search for the coven and someone decided to burn it the same night. 

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