38| It's an Order

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"So I heard your queen, ran off after kissing you?" 

I have never choked on my food in my life before but listening to the statement said by my brother dearest might have been my undoing. And that little brat knew what he was doing cause he had a stupid grin pasted on his face as soon as the dining table erupted into various reactions. Ignoring the various jabs, giggles and laughs, I asked, "How do you know that?"

He laughed at my question, but when I pretended to get up, he bolted to go behind Mum's chair.

"Huxx...." I called him as a warning. I have been dying a little inside every second after Felix dashed out of my office this morning.   

"Ayee, why should I? You paying me or something?" He teased as everyone laughed at my expense. 

"Now it makes sense," comes Acimer's jab from his side of the table, "Why he was more frustrated this evening, his majesty's private time was cut off."  He stopped laughing when my little hero, Lillian peed on her dad's lap. Such a good baby knows when her dad is being a pain in Uncle's arse. He and Charlotte promptly excused themselves as they rushed to their room to change into clean clothes. 

"Oh come on Huxx, tell your brother whatever is it you know," Mum said pushing Huxx back into his chair. 

Huxx eyed me and Dad clearly and quietly came back to sit between us. "Just so you know, I am not telling you anything. Only one piece of advice, talk to her."

"You could have told me that from the get-go!!" I complain.

"Well, where's the fun in that? I love embarrassing you and embarrassing her. And why will I miss an opportunity to do both together." And like the manchild my brother is, he picked up his plate and ran to his room while his evil laugh served as a background score till he shut his door. 

Seeing his antics me and my parents shared a look and chuckled. Because we love him, even if he does stupid things sometimes. After we finished our food, Dad didn't accompany Mum back to their room but rather followed me to my study. I assumed he wanted to discuss something important.

As soon as the doors shut down he did exactly that, "Have we managed to extract any new information from the prisoner?"

"Yes and No," I answered and pushed the files towards him. As he flipped and scanned the pages, I tried to summarise the newest information we gathered." He seemed to be a suicide attacker, his vocal cords were damaged beforehand, he lost his leg while trying to cross the border and we couldn't keep him awake for long enough to extract any vital information. However, some things can be observed, he knew he would be caught which makes him and his organisation's objective behind this attempt, much more sinister. We have been brainstorming some theories but it does not fit the circumstances. However, one thing that strikes suspension is a strange substance in his scalp. Which has been sent to the research lab with orders to figure it out as soon as possible. They will hand in a report by tomorrow afternoon."

My father remained quiet for a while as he flipped through the pages. When he finished reading he slid the file back to me, "Orief, this seems so messed up. I am so proud of you for having such a clear head about all of this."

"Thank you, Dad. I am sure I can it will get sorted in a couple of weeks." I replied.

He got up and was about to pull open the doors to leave, "Did Felix mention the theory she had about all these incidents?" 

I shook my head as a negative. 

He sighed as if wondering whether he should say his piece or not. After contemplating it for a few seconds he said, "I know it's not my place to pass judgement. But when I visited that child last time, she and I were speculating generally, and during that conversation, I noticed that the child seemed to believe that it was her that triggered this chain event. She sounded very confident. Now I might be running ahead of myself here but if it's her speculation then it's worth exploring in my opinion. I am confident she is probably what she pursuing but Orief this line of thought leads to a lot of guilt and self-hate. Even if that's not the case, I hope you keep a check on her mental state even if she isn't here, alright? I made that mistake when your mother and I were at the beginning of our relationship. I wish for you to do better than me."

I nodded to him in agreement and he took it as his sign to leave. 

Dad's words hit a little too close to home. I haven't been the most aware individual when it comes to people's emotions. As I reflect on our conversations I know i have made progress but the bare minimum isn't where we stop it is where we begin. Promising myself that I would make an effort to do so I called Acimer to my office.

"You called?" He questioned as he settled into his usual spot on the floor. 

Mimicking his comfortable posture, I too shed unnecessary layers till I had only my white shirt and black trousers left. Settling on the floor opposite to him, I steeled my resolve. Because I know what I am about to ask him might destroy everything I have or save everything I have. 

"Beta Acimer, I have a request for you." 

Acimer must have caught the hint cause he stopped fidgeting with his clothes and sat up straighter, "Yes, Your Majesty."

I gave him my request and he answered as expected, "That's against my morals Your Majesty, I refuse."

I don't like to pull ranks but, "Unfortunately for you Beta Acimer, it is now an order you must fulfil to save everyone."


Sorry for the delay, I have been extremely busy this week.

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