10 | The Throne

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Part two of the update. Back to our Alpha King.



I have known Acimer for years. And between both of us, I have always been the voice of reason and he has always been the reckless one. He is one of those people whose actions can't be explained by anyone. Well until he explains himself.

So when I and Acimer sat across the small coffee table in my room and he didn't hesitate to make eye contact, I knew this wasn't one of his impulsive moments. He has a valid reason behind this.

He should have a very good reason because being drugged and attacked by your own beta doesn't sit well with me. He even included Felix in all this. Who despite being spooked and tired ran down the hall to get the first aid box. Did she forget we are werewolves?

I stared at Acimer, who was holding his bloodied face with the blanket Felix had thrown at him in her defence, which by the way I would have enjoyed thoroughly if I didn't realize I was drugged.

"I can explain," Acimer said. Good, he is not making me talk, because if I did he would be in more trouble than now.

Felix burst through the doors with the First aid box in her hand, probably hers. It looks squeaky clean as if she was using it for the first time. The only thing which looks slightly torn was the packet of band-aids.

"Throwdown the sheets Beta Acimer; I need to clean the wound before it closes. Honestly! you royals are such drama queens sometimes."

"I have to say your aim was amazing Luna. If I wasn't a powerful wolf I would definitely be suffering from a concussion. And for the extra part, your mate is much more extra than I am. Have you seen his throne room?"

I got a side-eye from Felix but I ignored her stare and just noted the fact that I had to show her the Throne Room myself. As for Acimer if he doesn't speak in a minute I am going to hit him, best friend or not.

Felix handed some kind of ointment and a glass of water to Acimer and said, "I won't judge anything I haven't seen myself. Also, the fact that you drugged me is understandable but him too? Isn't that a bit too far-fetched?"

"No question on the entire charade?"

"Beta Acimer, do I look like an idiot to you? I pieced everything together as soon as I saw your face. You pulled the oldest trick in the book. Drugging me was necessary so I couldn't use my abilities to the fullest. Along with the fact that sleep is the most vulnerable state for anyone. But instead of drugging our king, you could have just let him on the plan."

Gulping down the water he replied, "That was the initial plan. But then Mama Vee said it will seem a bit suspicious. So I decided on drugging him too."

Felix just stared at him for a second, "You know if the tea was sent by any other person, I won't have looked at it twice. Because one, it smelled very weird and two, I distinctively remembered sharing a cupcake with Mum before I bid her good night."

"I know it smelled weird, it's a concoction of my own." He answered brightly. "I have been working on it for a while it still needs a few tweaks I guess. Also, can you bake some tomorrow too? Your mate didn't get any today and I would like to use it as a peace offering. You know he loves cupcakes."

Felix looked at me with an expression which said, 'Really'. I nodded at her and a smile bloomed at her previous haggard face.

"I will make you some tomorrow. It's the only thing I can bake but trust me they are delicious."

Luna FelixWhere stories live. Discover now