49| The Last Challenge?

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Look out for the hint in the text and a cover change tomorrow.


"Are you sure we should continue ?" Felix asked me as she looked up from her map.

It was nearly midnight, there was a light drizzling of snow now and we had found 4 more artefacts. However, despite running around almost all the labyrinth we still find anything that seemed like an exit. Since this was our last attempt we were still thinking which one would be the most efficient to attempt.

"I think we can finish this." I tried to reassure her.

"But what about the traitor? There can be a massive gap in your information." Felix questioned.

When Felix told me what she found in her quest, at first I was shocked but later it made sense. There is no way someone is smart enough to take me down from the outside. The reason they have been fairly successful so far is because someone close to me was helping them either directly or indirectly.

"Even if that is true it still doesn't change much. After all, we both were operating separately. You don't know any information I have and I don't have any information you do. They can't put a mole on both of our sides."

When we started planning for the trial it was one of the first things we ensured. That the only people we trust are ourselves. And so from the beginning, we didn't share any details above necessary. This was to ensure that even in a situation where one of our sides or us is compromised the other still has some element of surprise.

Felix suggested we leak strategic information about our whereabouts and details to give them a false sense of security. So I ordered Acimer to spy on Felix. He protested at first but agreed later on. We put tracking devices on her jeep and my bike and Acimer tracked them openly in his office. When in reality we both were not even using them.

We had decided to fool everyone from the beginning.

Felix sighed and dusted the snow off her pants as she, "That is true. But still, I didn't expect a mole to be this high up."

I pushed off the wall I was resting against and moved closer to her. "I trust you. I trust us. We will make it. Now tell me My Queen which of these cursed objects should I defeat so we can go home finally." I deflected the arrow shooting towards us at the mention of her title.

Felix angled her Map opposite the moonlight so we could analyze our options.

We found a weird stone in a deep pit which we suspected from our educated guess was a replica of Gjöll, the 5ft high object we were assuming was a place a mirror with different phases of moon engraved along its edge in gold, a book titled 'Book Of Guilt' and a weirdly green fetter with an ambiguous vibe, which made us assume that it might be one of the legendary fetters of fate.

Felix sighed after scanning her slightly wonky handwriting, "I don't want us to near chains or anything Greek, so Fetter and Gjoll are out."

"I don't mind taking anything so as you say."

She nodded in approval, "The mirror seems weird to me, I don't want to do that too. How about we just take damage on our mental health and do Book Of Guilt?"

I mused over the suggestion, "I don't think I am a good fit for that though, I tend to feel a lot guilty so-"

"I can do it then. I am mostly okay mentally. And you are tired, why don't I do it?" She offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, You know the amount of self-love I have. I guess my biggest guilt will probably be something related to Flynn for sure. I can finish it in 30 min max. Trust me."

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