3 | The King's Test

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Editor's note1: This was the chapter which has the former fandom quiz. So if something seems weird it probably something I forgot to edit out.


It's 7:00 A.M. and we are waiting in my office and discussing ( what our next steps should be. By 'we', I mean my council. A council is something we, as Kings, are suggested to keep. It's in cases when either we are emotionally incapable of operating anymore or when we are going down the wrong lane. But since I hate interferences I have kept my council of just 6 people.

My advisors are my parents. My brother takes the place of the high general. Other than my family, my confidant and best friend, Beta Acimer Tumberbald is also a part of my council.

The connections and trade of my kingdom with other kingdoms are headed by Mrs Ms? Aletta Morton, who is a white wolf and is gifted with a very sharp brain by the moon goddess. While the white wolf is not a very frequent appearance in the wolf world, they are not rare either. She is a woman in her mid 50's and is a diplomat through and through. She uses all her experience for the welfare of my kingdom.

The last member of my council is the man responsible for the smooth working of my lands, Maynard Conti. This old man keeps the problematic leaders on a leash and law enforcement strict. He also is my go-to guy when I need information about something or someone. He has so many spies around that sometimes I worry about my privacy.

The castle has been buzzing with the news of me finding my mate but we have asked them to keep it hushed for the time being.

"So Your Majesty, one last question, are you going to talk to her alone or are we required to be present here?" Aletta questioned scratching her pen on her chin, a clear sign that she is getting agitated.

"I think we should be here with you, your majesty." Mum interrupted and that's when I know she wants to be here, the tone of her voice was a clear indication.

"It's settled then you shall remain here when my mate arrives," I announced before they come up with more reasons to leave me alone to talk to her. Before I could breach another topic I felt a slight prick in my head, signalling that somebody is trying to mind-link me.

Sorry for the intrusion your majesty this is Jared from border patrol and we have a bit of a dilemma here. There is a lady at the gate asking permission to enter the premises of the castle. She claims to have been called to by His Highness Huxx and Your Majesty too but doesn't have any written permission. She insists and appears to be a fairly strong individual. I just wanted to know how should we proceed next.

I relay it to Huxx knowing well that it probably is Miss West. Huxx confirms my suspension too, quoting how Miss West has a habit of arriving early to most appointments and he expected her to be here early too.

I was going to inform the guard to let her in but my Beta stopped me.

"I trust you Huxx but we should check first who it is." He switched on the computer system on my desk, which was covered in a light layer of dust because I in general suck at anything related to technology. Acimer clicks a few times and pulls up the live footage of the pack entrance gate.

We saw a green jeep waiting on the other side of the gates. Huxx leaned on my desk to take a better look at the screen. "It's her jeep." He confirmed.

Acimer asked whether Huxx is sure or not. "Sir, I have driven that jeep more times than I can count. In fact, I was the first one to drive it out of the store. So yes I am sure."

Jared, allow the lady to enter and in future never stop her from entering. I inform the border patrol guard.

Yes! Your majesty.

The gate opens and we see the jeep enter the pack grounds and I saw a hooded figure in the driver's seat. The jeep pulled up beside the guard who was standing there, she pulled her window down and motioned the guard near. By this time everyone apart from Maynard was crowded around my computer screen.

"Can we hear the voices also too Beta Acimer?" My mum asked, sounding impatient. Acimer tapped a few icons on the screen and the sounds of the outdoors filled my office.

"Sir....." We heard her speak to the guard."You look like you had a long night do you perhaps want a cupcake?" She said pulling a sealed plastic container out of the bag beside her. I heard Huxx mutter 'my cupcakes' under his breath, but we mostly ignored him. She gave a couple of cupcakes and a can of what I assume is coffee and smiled at him. The guard looked taken aback for a moment but he tentatively took the food from her and returned the smile.

"She is such a sweetheart." My Mother commented.

Even though I agreed to not go easy on her and test her completely before accepting her. And this was not a test. But Her kindness towards someone less significant than her in rank softened all of our hearts.

Acimer then pulled up the footage of the parking lots of the castle and informed the guard to let the jeep enter. It was at least 10 min later when we saw the distinct green vehicle appear. I still don't understand why the Jeep. Like she could have a more feminine ride but a jeep? My expression must have slipped my confusion because Huxx's mind linked me.

Are you confused about the Jeep?

Honestly, I am.

Well, ask her then big bro you got a mouth and words, haven't ya?

Huxx didn't say anything after that and I made a mental note to punch him a little harder in training. Felix entered the parking lot and parked her jeep, she got out and took off her hoodie and put on a blazer over her white shirt, replaced her shoes with heels. She gathered her hair in a bun and then took out her phone.

A moment later Huxx's phone vibrated in his pocket, he picked up the call and stepped a bit to the side, which is useless cause all of us are werewolves and we can hear whatever is happening we just have to strain our senses a bit. And even though others didn't try to listen, I sure did.

>>Captain I am wearing a blazer and heels. It's okay?

<< It's quite cute sweetheart. Should I come down to take you?

At this point, he had started making his way out of my office.

>> If you can. Please. I haven't slept a wink last night. I don't think I can navigate this maze of a castle alone.

<< Okay I am coming. But fair warning the council is here.

>>I was hoping for more people, I am not ready for a one-on-one conversation from the get-go.

Look at that, we already have something in common. 


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