23 | Feeling like King

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"Get your feet off me." I forcefully pull out the cold feet sneaking in my sweatshirt, for the nth time.

"But I am cold." Complains the queen.

"And I am not your walking heating pad."

Felix grumbles and props her feet somewhere else.

It has been a hectic week for everyone in the castle and we are finally close to catching up to all the information we have been lagging. So this Sunday, Dad suggested that we relax and have some rest, which led to Felix inviting everyone for afternoon tea.

So here we are in the garden with tea, snacks and tons of board games waiting for everyone's arrival. And my mate has cold feet, literally. I let her warm her feet inside my sweatshirt once, ONCE. But now she uses it every single time I wear a sweatshirt as a sign to stick her feet up my hem.

What I didn't know at that time was the fact that my mother, who saw this entire charade, was weaving dreams in her mind thinking that we are in love.

Soon everyone filtered in, and snacks and tea were exchanged, it was a very cosy affair. Felix and Dad were off in the corner discussing goddess knows what, Huxx was playing with little Lillian, Mum was giving mothering lessons to Charlotte, and Acimer and I were just talking about how cute Lillian is and what new tricks she has learned in the 2 months she and Charlotte was away.

As it started getting darker, Mum asked the staff to pack the stuff up and take it back. Seeing Mum busy, Dad finally brought up the issue of Dwarfs.

"So have you both planned to visit the Dwarfs?" The question was directed towards me and Felix we were the ones who were handling this issue.

"Yes, Dad we are," I replied. It took us a few days to find out the Dwarf Tribes' whereabouts and another few to get permission to visit.

"Who all are going?" He further enquired. To which Felix posed a request we have been hesitating to ask.

"We hoped that you and Mum would come with us. Our Intel said that the current Chief is not a fan of young people that much. Maybe your presence will help us out."

At the mention of her, Mum tuned into the conversation. A glare was shot towards my father for obvious reasons, which quickly turned into a small sweet smile as replied to Felix.

"Of course dear we will be more than happy to come. It can be our little trip together, right?"

"Mum it's work." I quipped.

"You shut it."

Felix snickered at me but replied mirroring Mum's smile, "Of course Mum, we can leave tomorrow if you are comfortable. The preparations are done."

"Oh, that's perfect dear. Tomorrow is it then. We shall leave in the early morning and I will make some sandwiches....." Mum went on spiel on what she will make, where we will stop etc.

Honestly, I wasn't even asked once what I wanted. Dad, we need to protest for equal rights.


Later that night we had just finished the required paperwork for our meeting and were retiring to our bedroom when Charlotte texted Felix that Little Lilly had been crying nonstop and they don't know what to do anymore.

So I called for a child specialist from the capital and in the meanwhile, we gathered in Lillian's nursery. The little child's face was red from all the crying she did, the nursery was a mess as all kinds of toys, medicines, oils, and clothes were strewn around.

Felix was quick to run up to our Beta Female "What happened? What have we tried so far?"

Charlotte broke down in a sob, it seemed like she had been holding it in for a while. Acimer wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back as he explained that they have tried everything from book remedies, child help websites, and doctors, calling both of their mothers for advice but nothing they do seems to work for Lillian. She may calm down for a few minutes but then start crying all over again.

"Can I take a look?" Felix asked after some deliberate thought.

"Please do something, Luna." Cried Charlotte.

I wanted to correct Charlotte that Felix isn't a mother nor a health professional how come she expects her to do anything about it, but I stopped at only the thought cause one Charlotte is in no condition to listen or understand me and secondly it makes sense for her to ask Felix in some weird way. Felix is their Luna. Luna Queen. At this point, it was almost instinctual for them to look up to her when in trouble.

Felix gave a reassuring smile to Charlotte. And slowly, carefully lifted Little Lillian from her crib. Hugging the small body close to her chest and gently lowering her head on her shoulder, she said, "Charlotte, love I can see that it has been hard on you and your husband. But the baby will be fine. I promise. Now I will take her out for some fresh air. Why don't you both collect yourselves, eat some dinner and clean up this room? I will take care of Lillian till then. Okay?"

"But... but Lilly...."

"Charlotte I understand the fact that as a mother your priority is Lilly right now but if the mother is suffering how can she take care of the child? The same goes for the dad. Trust me. You trust me right? Nothing will happen to Lilly." Felix reassured the devastated mother.

"We trust you, Luna." Replied Acimer. "I will send over a maid with all the necessities."

"Thank you Acimer. Please take care of Charlotte and yourself."

With that, we brought little Lilly to our room. As I walked behind Felix I could see the child sniffling and occasionally crying out loud. It broke my heart to see her in such a state.

I opened the door for Felix when we reached our bedroom.

"Rei, you will have to do a bit of work for me."

I replied that I am okay with anything. Felix asked me to change our silk sheets to cotton ones. When I was finished replacing them, she laid down little Lillian.

She got some oil from her bags and started massaging the child with firm hands.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

Felix continued her massage, "A child crying continuously can be for many reasons. Since Acimer and Charlotte have tried all the conventional ones, I have been racking my head for what other reasons are there."

"Usually when the child cries it could have been her teeth coming out but Lilly is still young for that. She has been popping alright so it's not that either. She did have a little gastric problem so I rubbed her back down and after burping for a while she quieted down a bit. Thus there must be more than one problem. Since babies usually lie down on their backs their muscles get stiff, so I was massaging them. After this, I plan to take her out for a stroll for about 15-20 minutes. Then a warm bath, soft clothes, some milk and then get her to sleep with some music and as such. I have a few more things but I don't have them with me. So I will text Flynn and he can deliver them in the morning. It's my mum's speciality. As a Luna, before she fell ill, she would spend hours at the house of a new mother and expecting mothers. And sometimes my father had to drag her back home....."

Felix kept talking to me all the while tending to Lillian. After two hours and one long phone call later, little Lilly closed her eyes, her breaths coming out at regular intervals.

It was four in the morning when we decided that we can't leave this place to our Betas cause they were in no shape or form to care or worry about anything other than their child, and so for those reasons, one of us has to stay behind.

Felix said that it's better if I go, she will hold down the fort till I come back.

I had given up on sleeping, it was useless at this point. I don't what it was the silence of the night, the slumped figure of my queen with a baby resting on top of her, the calm breeze I requested something, "Felix can you sing something for us?"

"I was itching to sing something, wait let me think..... something which matches the mood." She surprisingly replied positively. "I have one, you might not understand it but I promise I will explain it later."

"Go ahead. Go ahead." I urged her. It's been a while since I heard her singing.

Hearing her sing brought joy. Joy equivalent of chocolate cupcakes. Joy I feel when I make successful laws. Joy I felt when I won against my father for the first time.

With refreshed mind, I got ready for the day. While Felix got some much-needed sleep. When Acimer came by later, I slowly pried little Lillian from sleeping Felix and handed her over.

"Little Lillian troubled King Uncle and Queen Aunty a lot last night." As if Lillian could understand what her father said a small chubby hand landed smack on Acimer's mouth.

"Don't talk like that about our Lillian. She is always welcomed by Uncle and Aunty." I replied nonetheless. I suppressed the urge to pull her round-round cheeks and instead settled on petting her head. She is such a cute child.

"Still Oreif," 

"It's alright. Seriously. I adore Lillian and so does Felix. I had to free Lillian from her cage. So don't sweat it. Just take care of her. If any further problem arises call Felix, she is going to stay back here."

"Luna is not going with you all? Is it because of us?" Acimer asked surprised.

"No no. In hindsight, it's not good for both of us to leave together. I was even allowed to take her jeep with me. I have been dying to ride that thing."

"Okay then. I will take your word for it. Good luck with the trip. I will take care of Luna and everyone here." Acimer reassured me as if I didn't know already.

I briefly woke up Felix to say goodbye and she quickly fell asleep again after informing me that she has some stuff in her trunk for the elder's dwarves and only use them when necessary. As if that wasn't alarming to hear, she went back to sleep right after that.

Huxx had volunteered to replace Felix on the trip but I refused him. He pestered me till  I met up with everyone in the underground garage.

"But Brother dearest, I will be of so much help and you won't be bored during the journey."

Ignoring my brother I scanned for my father's car, which was already on its way out of the garage, as expected, and jogged to the black Jeep in the back.

"She gave you the keys?" exclaimed my brother behind me.

I turned around and winked at my brother feeling smug for some reason, donning my only pair of sunglasses, I deliberately revived the engine extra loud and sped past my stunned brother.


Honestly, this has been in my drafts since December and I keep forgetting that I need to post it. Here it is folks. Also, I am back home for the remaining semester. And since exams aren't in the sight, I might be more active. I am not making any promises though.


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