18 | The Beta speaks up

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I am back with a double update, hope you enjoy it!  I was supposed to start my exams this week but they were pushed back to next week. So here I am.....



I had been working hard on trying to understand this confusing piece of technology when Acimer barged into my office. Again.

"Do you have any idea where she was sent?" He asked out of breath.

"For the last time Acimer, I don't know." He has been enquiring about the destination of Felix's mission for the last three days. He thinks I know where she is but I honestly have no idea.

"I am not asking my king. That was a rhetoric question. I know where they have sent her and I am furious."

Now, this, I agree caught my attention. I have been very curious about the types of missions she has been given for a while now. Since Acimer had already finished his part of the challenging, he was excluded from the discussions.

"Where?" I ask.

"I just got in the progress report. And she has been sent to a war-prone country. For the love of moon goddess don't they care an ounce for her safety?"  The distress in Acimer's voice was clear as day.

"Acimer, give me the file."

He grumbled something about which I couldn't pick up. But handed over the file never the less. Originally I am not supposed to know the nitty-gritty of the entire plan, but she has already left the mainland this morning and I guess it is safe for me to read these yet.


Unlike popular belief, missions aren't a fixed set of instructions rather they are vague ideas open to implementation. Some with more scope than others. Three of these are some classic but heavy missions. But "onslaught of emotions", "reputation" and "what is a queen without a king?" seems new and will suit the calibre and range Felix holds.

As far as my memory serves me right a group of tourists from our community have been stranded in a country with major political turmoil. And the council has been trying to find a way to get them out. I had already permitted Huxx so he can take any action he may deem perfect. I think I should have kept an eye on but it is a good opportunity for Felix to fulfil a good number of these missions and if she is lucky maybe all of them in one go.

When I relayed my thoughts to a huffing and puffing Acimer he just stared at me, "Your Majesty, I don't know if you are trying to act calm or you don't even have an ounce of worry."

Feeling a certain degree of annoyance at that time the beta, "Have trust in your Queen Luna Beta Acimer, she is capable of a lot of things."

Now it was Acimer's turn to look annoyed, "Orief," usage of the first name is not a good thing, "there is a fine line between being confidence in someone and still worried over their wellbeing. And being confidence because you expect nothing else but bravery, courage and strength from them. And let me tell you the latter is not healthy. Neither for you nor the person, you are imposing it on. It makes you aloof and uncaring. Something which is a no-goes in every serious relationship of life. So please think about it."

When we put it this way, I have been a lot less aware of Felix than I should have been. All around me are people I have known for years which has led me to understand their limits and tailor my expectations towards them. But Felix has been a brand new addition to my life and all she has shown me is a stellar example of a queen and partner. Caring but not overbearing, helpful but not intrusive, adjusting and stubborn. Apart from her last outburst obviously.

She did highlight our lack of communication and Acimer has thrown another stone in my mirage of stability. Feeling another wave of frustration taking over me, I resorted to doing something I promised myself not to do: disclose my matters to a third party.

"Acimer, I don't know if I should tell you this or not. But I feel as if I don't seek a second opinion I might mess up my relationship with the queen."

Acimer looked startled at my confession and sat down silently on the floor and urged me to do so too. I took off my black gloves and joined Acimer. Then I explained from the point I felt her distancing herself to her rant a few days ago.

The more I said things out loud, the more I was getting aware of the problems of the situation. And maybe that's why Acimer didn't interrupt me even once during the entire explanation, which is unusual even for him.

"So.... What you are trying to say is you let your mate leave the territory angry at you?" Acimer looked at me like I am someone lowering the IQ of the entire street.

"She implied not to disturb her, right?"

"Orief, that's not how it's done. Conflicts, especially in couples, should be resolved as soon as possible. If one individual demands space, which is perfectly alright, even in that case making sure that they are alright and fine is a must. I know you are worried about Luna, I realised that as you were narrating the incident. But how does Luna looks at these situations have you imagined. What would be going through her head?"

Before I could open my mouth to reply he cut me off, "Why hasn't he said anything? Did I go too far? Should I have not said that? I am leaving and he didn't even text me once."

No, Felix doesn't think like this. Or does she? Again I haven't known enough about her to guess her thought process on complex issues. My communication has been a piece of trash.

"I understand your point Acimer."

Acimer looked sceptically at me, "Do you, your majesty?"

I nodded, I honestly get it. I have been running way ahead of the situation and I hadn't realised it until the lack of awareness slapped me in the face.

"Well, then it seems like you have had an epiphany. My work here is complete." He stood up and dusted the imaginary dust off his shirt and pants.

"Wait," I called him again, "I have one more favour to ask for."

Raising an eyebrow Acimer said, "My, my am I being used to the fullest today? Let me hear, what is it?"

I shot him a glare but explained to him what I wanted to learn. For the third time today, Acimer looked shocked for a second.
"You want to do that."

I nodded in reply, "I need to start somewhere, why not with this?"

Acimer chuckled at my expense but sat down nothing less. "I know it's your favourite phrase but I got to say, things are about to get interesting here."

Watch out for the next update.

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