39| Why are we always interrupted?

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An early update as an apology for the late update last time. 

Also, I am trying to give you people some fluff, I swear this isn't due to my hormones(mostly).



Have I turned my study upside down to search for keys to this room? Yes. 

Am I going to find loads of dust and old junk in this room? Also yes. 

I haven't opened this room for a good few years now. This isn't technically a room. It's a section of the underground garage that I had requested from my father to separate from the rest of the area when I first got my bicycle and Huxx kept stealing it and running off with it before I returned from my lessons.

Later the bicycle was replaced with a bike and the small garage became my escape from reality. I used to tinker around it making modifications to my bike. Slowly and steadily the area got filled with tons of power tools and supplies. I would lock myself up there and spend a good couple of hours tinkering, fixing and hammering away to stop my brain from spinning. 

And I need that today more than ever before. I can't for the life of me figure out what to do. Which lead to follow? What to focus on? What to do? Because the last 24 hours have been absolute hell. 

The constant reports from DeLarger's have been clean. That means they have been tipped off by someone to be careful. There were dead bodies of young dwarves found in the forest but the land was not tempered showcasing that the landslide was caused by nature itself. The Syndicate Leader, DK, was found dead in his prison cell this morning at Alpha Jason's territory.  

We tried to test the poison found in DK's hair and the prisoner's hair but as soon as they were both placed in the same test tubes they created some reactions and vanished into thin air. That was concerning.

Our delegates at the Giant's territory were refused entry into their palace. And then the prisoner's condition worsened overnight before we could figure out a way to extract information from him. 

The Council even after multiple written complaints has refused to provide their reasoning behind their disagreement at Felix's coronation. They have however agreed to visit me in a week's time to offer "alternate solutions".

From what Felix told me last night her mother's condition has worsened out of nowhere. However, Miss Ruby, the Giant's ambassador has responded positively to her inquiry and said she would try to discreetly send details of the council's decision to her in a few days.

So yes, this has been an extremely disappointing and distressing day for me and I would very much like to escape for a few hours. Which is why I sought refuge in my garage. 

It was after an hour of mindlessly checking my bike for any damages and repairing them, that  I realised that I had never shown Felix my bike. And since I hadn't called her the entire day I can take this as an excuse to video call her now. 

I dialed her phone but she didn't pick up. I dialled again. She didn't answer. I stared at the clock it was just a few hours shy of midnight, and I know from our time living together that she doesn't sleep this early even when she is sick. So I decided to wait 5 minutes and then call her again. If she doesn't pick up I will call Flynn. 

5 minutes go by as I run through my head what I could talk to her about, I call her again. The phone kept ringing and ringing. And after three rings, I heard something fall behind my bike so I propped up my phone on a low shelf so I could keep an eye on it and decided to inspect where the noise was coming from.

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