Chapter Eighteen-Sweetness and Light

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Jenny skipped all along the corridor to the kitchen the next morning, still glowing brightly.

"Felt somethin' change tonight," she sang quietly to herself. "You got me thinkin'. So this is, what it feels like, when someone gives you butterflies. It's freedom in the free fall. Now my heart is electrified." Then she realised that Cole, Alex and Kai had stopped doing whatever they were doing, probably talking, and were all staring at her. She had danced into the room, singing, and they had heard. Normally, she'd love the attention. But then she was really shy and self-conscious about her singing voice. Always had been. "Hey. I'm sorry to subjugate y'all to my off-key singing."

"I didn't know you sing." Kai told her. Jenny shrugged.

"Not very well," she responded, stopping Cole with a warning stare when he tried to protest what she saw as a fact. "Jax waxes lyrical about us. Don't mean any of it is true, 'cept when it's about Alex." She turned her attention back to Kai and smiled ruefully. "Yeah, no, I can't sing."

"Yes you can. You just did." Alex pointed out.

"Granted. But it was badly. I was way off key."

"No you were not." Jenny sat on the table and grinned sheepishly at Kai.

"We'll leave it up to him then. Can I sing?"

"Yes." Jenny looked at him, confused.

"Cole must have brainwashed you. You've literally never heard me sing before now, darling."

"Well, since you're singing," Cole began reasonably. "We know the date went well yesterday, now." Jen smiled coyly, and started making them all some breakfast.

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