Chapter Thirty Six-The Joke's On You

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"I wanna get Zane's birthday present!" Jenny exclaimed

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"I wanna get Zane's birthday present!" Jenny exclaimed. "I can't do that if I'm not allowed into town!" It was the eighteenth of November: Lloyd had put his plan in motion, so Jen and Cole were arguing in the kitchen after breakfast. Jenny had already bought Zane's birthday present a long time ago, though only Lloyd and Alex knew that. Jay, Nya and Zane had quickly left the room. Wu was sitting and sipping his tea, Alex and Lloyd were both still eating, and Kai looked awkward.

"Shaun kidnapped you only a month ago!" Cole countered. "You're not going in alone, babe. I'll get it."

"No," Jen refused. "It's gotta be me. I have a specific idea of what I wanna get him."

"Text me it."

"I'm awful at texting! You know that."


"My music is my life, not my speech, believe it or not. I can't describe it. Besides, I couldn't let you get it. It'd waste your money." Both Lloyd and Wu were really enjoying this. Like uncle, like nephew. Alex glanced over at Kai thoughtfully, trying to decide on which scare tactic she'd use on him next.

"I mean, if you really want, you can pay me back. But that's not an issue."

"Isn't the point that it comes from the person themselves?" Jenny shot back.

"I'm not letting you go out there by yourself." Cole responded firmly.

"I can take care of myself, Cole. Alex and I survived for a year and a half on the streets before we met you."

"I know, but...."

"But what?"

"After what's happened in the past couple weeks, I'm not letting you get hurt again."

"We're used to it," Jen replied defiantly. "Besides, I'm not gonna get hurt. I'll bring Yak with me. I'll be fine."

"I'm coming with you."

"I don't need your protection! I'm not as weak as I seem, Cole."

"I know you don't need my protection, but I want to give it to you anyway."

"I've told you I don't need it, why don't you listen to me? Just leave me alone!" And, with that, she stalked out of the kitchen. Lloyd and Alex finished their breakfasts and hurried after her. Well, Lloyd did. Alex strolled lazily.

"That was great!" he enthused. "Wasn't it, Alex?" She shrugged, but a smile played at her lips.

"Not bad. Why'd you never tell me you were so good at acting?" Jenny returned the grin, while Lloyd chuckled to himself.

"Thanks," she replied. "Are you meetin' up with Sofia today?"


"Good luck!"

"Thanks." She left to get changed for her date. Lloyd slung his arm over Jen's shoulder, dragging her down the main hallway.

"How's Leo doing?"

"We decided we're gonna meet up next week for lunch," she responded. "The twenty fifth." He nodded.

"That sounds good. Bring the dagger with you, in case he tries anything." Jenny laughed.

"As if I don't already."

Some time later, Kai found her alone in her room. She was scribbling lyrics down in her notebook.

"Hey, Jen. Can I come in?" She looked up at him, smiling.

"Hi, Kai. Sure, go ahead." He sat down beside her on her bed. Cheesecake raised his head, seeming to smile at the fire Ninja, while Ronnie was already fast asleep on Jenny's lap. Yak ignored him, while Coco just glared suspiciously.

"So, what're you writing?"

"Song lyrics," Jen replied lightly. "This one's about....well, it's about you guys. I-I was thinking, I haven't really written many songs about you."


"No. I've got a couple for Jay, Alex has a few, Cole has some as well, Nya and Lloyd do. But you only have one." She was lying: Kai had at least three. She glanced down at her notebook, reading through the lyrics, then returned her attention to him. "Did you want anything?"

"I just wanted to check on you." He responded gently. Jenny sighed.

"Yeah, breakfast was kinda intense, huh?" he nodded. "We decided we're probably better off as friends, anyway." There was silence between them for a while, neither really knowing what to say. Then Jen nudged him gently with her elbow. "Perhaps we could continue a certain game we both enjoy?" Kai smirked.

"If you're still up for it, darling." Jen laughed.

"I'll win your heart, soon enough. The joke's on you, love."

Alex returned later in the evening, having spent the whole day with her girlfriend.

"You missed dinner." Jenny commented, tracing letters in her notebook.

"I ate with Sofia." She replied evenly and stopped to stroke Ronnie's head. There was silence between them for a while. Jen was the one to break it.

"Kai came in to check on me earlier."

"Did he knock?" Alex asked. Jen hesitated.

"Yes?" her older sister flicked her eyes up, and raised an eyebrow at her. She relented. "Alright, no he didn't." Alex sighed heavily.

"I'm gonna have to put a sign up, if they don't stop barging in."

"Kai didn't barge in," Jenny pointed out. "He was very polite." Alex laughed.

"The words 'polite' and 'Kai' don't go together in the same sentence." Jen smiled.

"Okay, true." There was another silence. Alex fell backwards onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Jenny closed her notebook and set it aside, swinging her legs back onto her own bed. Her phone buzzed, and she checked the message.

L: 25th still gud for u?

J: Yup!

L: Gud :)

J: I wrote a new song 2day

L: Oooo, can I hear it?

J: Hmm....

J: How about.....

J: No?

L: Meanie :(

J: You're a big strong boi, you'll get over it

She looked up from messaging him, biting her lip in thought.

"Our flirting game's started again. Kai's and mine."

"Congrats," Alex responded. "I did not need to know that." Jenny went quiet, staring up at the ceiling.

"Goodnight, Al." She told her, after a while of silence.


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