Chapter Twenty Seven-Jenny's Late Party

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It was last week of September, and the day the Ninja had chosen for Jenny's late birthday party.

"It doesn't feel right," Jen commented to Alex, having already changed into a cute dark blue dress that brought out the colour of her eyes. She stroked Ronnie's head, deep in thought. "The Faceless are still a threat, and we're celebrating my birthday."

"The Faceless are always a threat." Alex pointed out. Cheesecake groaned and rested his great head on his paws.

"True," Jenny sighed. "Just, for a party, they could've just waited for my twenty first. Anyway, what're you gonna wear?"

"I don't know. This?" Alex held up an old grey t-shirt.

"For your favourite sister's birthday party?"

"What? It's nice." Jen smiled, fondling Cheesecake's ears.

"Alright. As long as you're nice to Kai today."

"Urgh, fine." There was silence between them for a while.

"Al?" Jenny questioned eventually. "Do you think we might be able to stay here?" Alex paused and looked around the room.

"I...." she scratched Yak absentmindedly, then turned to find Jen still looking at her. "Well, you seem comfortable here." Jenny frowned.

"I'm not gonna stay if you don't feel comfortable here, too. So, do you?"

"I guess..." Jen gently touched her shoulder, hoping it would help in some way.

"You've got me. Always will do." Alex smiled.

"I know." That was when Cole stuck his head round the door.

"Hey, Jen, Alex," he greeted them. "Are you ready? Zane's making breakfast."

The moment the Hartridge sisters walked into the kitchen, Nya handed a wrapped present to Jenny.

"You're gonna like it." She told her, smiling. Jen returned it, and opened the gift. Inside, was a chocolate husky soft toy. Jenny had been asking for another dog, but Wu refused to let her have a real one. Alex smiled.


"Aw, thanks Nya!"

"Open mine next!" Jay exclaimed excitedly, shoving his present into her arms. This one turned out to be an orange and navy t shirt.

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