Chapter Nineteen-Growing Anxiety

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Alex drove Jenny in on her second date with Thomas. They sat in the car for a few minutes, waiting for him to arrive. Then Jen seemed to perk up.

"There he is!" she told her brother, and waved excitedly. Alex watched as a cool, young man strode lazily over to the car, and leant on the edge of it. 

"Hiya, sunshine," he greeted her cheerily enough.

"Hi Thomas!" Jenny returned it. "This is Alex."

"Ah, Jenny's sister. I've heard a lot about you." Alex nodded to him, but Jen was frowning anxiously.

"Um, brother," she corrected him quietly. "Alex is my brother." Thomas waved his hand in a flippant gesture.

"Whatever. Hey, you're gonna like this date, c'mon!" Jen sent an apologetic glance at Alex, and stepped out of the car.

"Bye, Al." She called, moving to her boyfriend's side.

"Bye Jen."

"See you around, Alex." Alex nodded curtly, watching through narrowed eyes as he slung an arm over Jenny's shoulders and led her away.

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