Chapter Thirty Seven-Should We Stay or Should We Go?

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The first of December. Jenny had decided that she actually quite liked Leo. However, she was also determined to take it slow this time. Alex was still dating Sofia. Both seemed cheerful. Jay and Nya had had their first anniversary on the thirtieth of November. So far, everyone was happy. No, I'm not going to ruin it. I know I'm an author, and therefore heartless, but they deserve a little peace and quiet. 

For now.

Anyway, where were we? Ah, yes. The morning of the first of December. Jen got changed into a cute, maroon wool sweater, a black skirt and black tights. Alex just dressed up in a t-shirt and jeans, shrugging on her crested leather jacket as an afterthought.

"Are we training today?" Jen asked her, slipping a simple gold bracelet onto her wrist.

"Nope, Wu gave us the day off."

"Good. We can get the Ninja their Christmas presents." Alex groaned.

"Do we have to? It's only the first of December."

"Yes," Jenny replied firmly. "I already have my ideas sorted and some of the shops close early. You can buy some for them too."


"We can check in on Jaxxy, Ez and Atlas?"


Sensei Wu was walking down the corridor at that point, and decided to check in on the Hartridge sisters. He stopped outside their door. On it, was nailed a sign:


It was underlined. Twice.

Wu chuckled, shaking his head fondly, and tapped his staff against the door.

"Can I come in, Alex?" She made a muffled sound of acknowledgement, and Wu entered the room. "I wanted to see how you're doing." Alex peered at him from where she was hanging upside down from the ceiling beams.


"The television theorises that you two have joined the team, since you were seen fighting with them," Wu continued. "Have you decided yet?"

"Deci-Oh. That."

"Yeah, we....." Jen began. "......haven't really discussed that yet, have we, Al?"


"Ah," he nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm sure the Ninja would like you to stay. I hope that helps your decision." Well, that wasn't particularly helpful, but you couldn't really tell him that. 

And with that, he left. Jenny glanced over at Alex.

"Yeah......we need to talk." Alex jumped down from the ceiling beams.

"Yeah, I guess we do."

A couple of hours later, they were popping in and out of shops to buy Christmas gifts.

"So, what do you think?" Jen broke the silence between them. "Do you like the Ninja?" Alex shrugged.

"They're alright." Jenny started searching through some jewellery.

"You like some of them, but not the rest."

"I can like them-mostly-but I'm not sure I'm ready to spend my life with them, or whatever." Alex replied.

"That's fair," Jen commented. "We've still got a month to decide, anyway. Hey, think Lloyd'll like this?" she picked out a dragon bracelet, holding it up to show her sister.

"Cute." Jenny took out an expensive-looking necklace, setting it on the counter to pay for Lloyd's gift.

"What's your assessment of them, now we know them better?"

"What's yours?"

"Lloyd is practically my twin," she began slowly. "He's funny, and basically a soft boi. Nya's cool, she's a great listener. Cole gives off big brother vibes. Zane's chill, I don't really talk to him much. Jay's both hilarious and annoying. He's an adequate prankster and we have the same music taste."

"Kai?" Alex questioned her. Jenny thought about it.

"Kai's complicated. I both hate and love him at the same time, it's weird. I know that's probably not what you want to hear. What about you? What do you think of them?"

"Nya's cool, Zane's cool, Cole's cool. Jay's annoying, but fun to mess with. Kai's annoying, but admittedly less than before. He did work hard to make up for his idiocy. And Lloyd is nice, I guess."

"Kai's a good friend," Jen admitted. "He may be an idiot, but he's loyal at least. Shall we go and see The Vipers now?"


Later, at The Vipers:

"Yo, weirdos!" Jenny greeted them, and hugged Atlas. "Murdered anyone yet, Ezzie?" He smiled.

"Not yet. The law won't let me."

"The law sucks." Alex agreed readily.

"The rules are in place for a reason." Jax stated, giving them both stern, mama bear looks.

"The law doesn't condemn beating people up." Atlas spoke up.

"Sadly, it does," Kira pointed out, bouncing over to them. "Heeeey girl, you look cute!"

"Hi Kira!" Jenny greeted her cheerfully. "Thanks!" Both Ezra and Kira looked confused.

"Since when did it not condemn that?"

"I thought it was legal?"

"Since assault was a crime." Jax again.

"It's a crime? I didn't know that." Alex asked.

"Yup," Jen responded calmly. "And you know it. You just ignore it, along with Ezra." They both folded their arms, raising their eyebrows at her, both faking confusion.

"I can't imagine what you mean." Ezra lied smoothly.

"You know us better than that. We're angels." Alex continued.

"We wouldn't ever do a thing like that!" Jenny giggled, and Jax and Atlas shared a glance.

"Yeah, no. You definitely would."

"And we all know it."

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