Chapter Thirty Two-Saving Jenny

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Towards the end of Day two, Lloyd found Jax sitting on the roof of the base, listening to the love and laughter below. He sat down next to him, tilting his head to listen too. But, behind that warmth, he could feel an underlying current of fear. It reflected the worry in his own heart.

"We're doing everything we can," Jax told him quietly then. "She's one of us, just as much as she's one of you."

"I know," Lloyd replied. "No leads?"


"My hermana's a living glowstick," the Green Ninja pointed out. "She'll find a way to reach you." Jax looked thoughtful at his words.

"Hold on, Jen," he heard Lloyd whisper. "We won't forget you."

Day three. Still nothing. Nya found Kai sitting alone in the kitchen, poking half-heartedly at his breakfast.

"Kai?" she asked quietly. "Didn't you have a date with that girl from the gala, today?" The fire Ninja nodded briefly, but didn't seem to care.

"What was her name?" Nya continued, sitting down beside him. "Sandra?"

"Sarah," Kai corrected her. "I don't feel up to it." Now, Nya shipped Kai and Jenny like crazy. But it was bad manners to leave a girl waiting. So, she finally managed to convince Kai to get ready for the date. The rest of the Ninja arrived at the kitchen right as Kai was leaving it.

"He's distracted." Zane observed.

"We all are." Lloyd pointed out helpfully. Still, the date didn't go very well. Kai was too distracted to pay much attention to Sarah. Meanwhile, Alex had started talking in full sentences again. But she still wasn't saying much.

Day four went by with no sign of Jenny. On the morning of the fifth day, Ezra and Raye sat on the roof together.

"You'll find her." Raye reassured Ezra. His boyfriend opened his mouth to reply, when a bright, blinding beam of light pierced the sky. The two of them were on their feet in an instant.

"Did you see that?" Raye nodded.

"Yeah, it looked like....."

"Jenny." Ezra smiled. The two of them ran down to the main base, for Ezra to get permission from Jax to chase the lead. Jax gave it, so Ezra took his car and went to scope the place out with Kira. He found it and walked round the side, searching for a way in. There was none. Except through the windows. Picking up a discarded beer bottle, he broke the window with it, and leapt into the hideout. He looked up to find all the bikers half blind, and frozen in their tracks. Jenny was halfway across the room, also frozen.

"You started the party without me?" Ezra drawled, then began destroying the bikers. Jen collapsed on the floor, exhausted.

"I-I was right." She gasped.

"Escape now, boast later." Ezra called, elbowing someone in the stomach. Jenny hauled herself to her feet and ran out of the room, bumping into Kira halfway down the main corridor.

"Oh, hey there." She greeted her calmly, as if she hadn't been missing for five days.

"Lookin' good, darlin'." Kira replied in the same tone, the two of them now running together.

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