Chapter Twenty Three-Enough is Enough

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The next day, a Monday, Jenny was back to dressing up cute again: she got changed into an off the shoulder, orange top and black jeans. And, of course, the tiger's eye necklace that Kai had bought her. She still wasn't feeling quite herself, but she wouldn't let Tom have the satisfaction of seeing her upset: yes, she was working at the library that day.

"It's gonna be painful as hell with him there." She reminded Alex quietly, resting her cheek against Ronnie's soft fur.

"I'll drive you." Alex decided, stroking Yak, who tolerated the affection.

"You just want to beat him up, don't you?"

"Maybe." Jen opened her mouth to say something when her phone buzzed. She checked it.

"I told The Vipers," she explained to her brother. "Atlas is calling him every name under the sun. I didn't realise he knew so many curse words." Alex laughed.

"Typical." Jenny's phone buzzed again.

"Ezra's......oof damn."

"What?" Jenny showed him the message on her phone. "That's actually really dark."

"Jax is just asking questions about it, which is somehow more terrifying than both of them." Nya chose that moment to poke her head round the door.

"Hey," she greeted the Hartridge siblings. "Kai's making waffles."

"Ooooh, I love waffles!" Alex exclaimed in excitement.

"Kai will blow up the temple if you let him make waffles." Jenny pointed out.

"Fine, I'll go babysit." He left the room.

"Hey Nya," Jen addressed the Water Ninja. "Have you seen Jay anywhere? I wanna talk with him about somethin'."

"Uh, yeah," she replied. "I think he's in the game room."

"Thanks!" Jenny ran to the game room, where Jay was playing a video game. "Hey Jay, mind if I join? I need your help with something."

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