Chapter Twenty Eight-The Pranking Monarchy

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Later that evening, Zane and Alex were baking together.

"I thought today was rather successful." Zane commented, passing her the eggs. "What about you?"

"I've refrained from strangling Kai, haven't I?" Alex replied evenly, cracking the eggs into the bowl. Zane smiled.

"Yes, you have."

"Then I'd call that a miracle." The Ice Ninja laughed, measuring out some flour.

"Jenny seems happy too." Alex smiled softly at that.

"Yes. Yeah, she does."

A couple of nights before Cole's birthday on October the second, Jenny was jolted awake by another nightmare and immediately plunged right in the middle of a panic attack. She breathed deeply in and out, as she'd been told, until she felt it slowly start to fade. She glanced over at Alex, who was still asleep. Okay. She wouldn't wake her then. Alex didn't have to deal with her sister's baggage, and Jen wouldn't make her.

She quietly went into the kitchen and began snacking on dark chocolate with at least eight five percent of cocoa. What? It had magnesium in it. Magnesium was good for calming you down. Not only that, but it was absolutely delicious, though that was not the point.

"Jenny?" Lloyd asked from the doorway then. "Did we have a recon meeting tonight?" Jen shook her head, and offered him some chocolate. He hesitated.

"It's good for panic attacks," Jenny replied lightly. "You look like you need it." He took it, smiling slightly.

"Thanks." She nodded in brief acknowledgement. "So, what are you doing awake, since we don't have a meeting?" She shrugged.

"Nightmare. Same one as usual, but this time I woke up with a panic attack." Lloyd stared sadly at her, then reached to pull her into a hug. Jenny flinched away from him. She couldn't help it.

"Jenny?" He was frowning anxiously. Damn it, Jen, she thought.

"He'd understand." Kai's reassurance sounded again.

Great. That was two times he'd got into her head now. That weird, charming jerk. She didn't know if she liked it or not.

She sighed.

"I-I can't really explain it," she began hesitantly. "I-it just brings back flashbacks.....memories......about the street." Lloyd looked devastated and she hurried to cheer him up, hating herself for making him sad. "You can touch me. I know you won't hurt me, I trust you. It just....It took me by surprise, is all." Lloyd shook his head sadly.

"Oh, Jenny," he pulled her into a hug. This time, she let him. "What did they do to you and Alex?" Jen sighed.

"You wouldn't wanna know, dear."

"Try me." She smiled softly at that. He cared.

"Not yet."

The Dream Team struck after lunch on Cole's birthday, after he'd been given all his presents and the cake had been cut. Lloyd and Jen shared a knowing glance and a smile. Alex frowned. What were they planning now?

"Hey, Cole babe....." Jenny began deliberately.

"You'd be pleased to know-" Lloyd continued.

"-that we decided-"

"-to make-"

"-brownies." Jen finished off. Oh, so that was it. Cole seemed to brighten at their words.

"Oh, yeah!" Lloyd and Jenny shared another look before Lloyd grabbed a plastic box and started handing out the brown pieces of paper, cut into the shape of the letter 'e'. Wu chuckled to himself, amused. Alex took one, ripping off a corner with her teeth. Jen and Lloyd just calmly ate all of theirs, as if it was entirely normal. Meanwhile, Nya was trying not to laugh, while Jay and Zane looked completely and utterly confused. Cole frowned, disappointed.

"So, you didn't get me any actual brownies?" Jenny and Lloyd just laughed, and threw the rest of the paper all over him. Alex smiled slightly, and Kai tried and failed to hide a proud smirk. Then Jen jumped to her feet, touching Lloyd lightly on the shoulder.

"You're it!" She sang. Then the two of them were off, chasing each other around the temple. Nya frowned.

"Why do I get the feeling that Jen and Lloyd are gonna drive us all insane?" Jay looked worried.

"How do we stop them?" he asked Alex, who shrugged.

"You can't." She replied evenly. Cole groaned.

"We're doomed then?"


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