Chapter Twenty Five-The Gang War

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A/N: Jenny's crest is the picture above

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A/N: Jenny's crest is the picture above. Alex's is the picture below.

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Later that night, Jenny found Lloyd waiting for her in the kitchen.

"Did you get some sleep?" he asked, as she busied herself with making some tea and sorting out biscuits.

"No nightmares this time. But very restless. You?" There was a pause, as Lloyd watched her thoughtfully.

"I couldn't sleep," he admitted eventually. "At all." Jenny frowned and slid some tea over the counter to him.

"Why?" But they both knew the reason. The coming war against The Faceless.

"We've fought before," Lloyd explained quietly, wrapping his hands around his mug of tea to warm them. "That's not the issue."

"Then what is?" Jen asked him gently, sipping some of her own tea. Lloyd sighed.

"In the past, we fought to stop violence," he explained. "Now, we're joining it. And don't worry, you're one of us now," he added hurriedly, when he saw Jenny's face fall. "Any ally of yours is an ally of ours, so we're still gonna fight. I just....Sensei wouldn't approve." There was silence between them for a while, as Jenny processed this new information.

"Wu knows that sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire." She passed him a plate of biscuits.

"Thanks. Hey, so, you said you had an idea for a prank?" Jen smirked wickedly.

"We'll need Jay again for lookout," she began. "While we prepare the brown e's." Lloyd frowned.

"The brownies? How is that-"

"No," Jenny told him firmly. "I mean, the brown e's. We say we've made brownies. He goes to eat them, and finds they're actually brown e's." Her best friend smiled at that.

"He'll kill us."

"It'll be worth it, I promise."

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