Chapter Thirty Nine-Christmas

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Christmas Eve. Jenny and Alex had finally made their decision, and told Wu about it. They would stay. But they'd get their own Ninja suits, probably sometime in January.

Anyway, yes. Christmas Eve. After breakfast, Nya and Lloyd went to watch a film in the living room, Zane went off to do whatever he did that wasn't baking, while Nya, Jay and Alex decided it would be fun to play violent video games in the gaming room.

"Ha! I told you we're an iconic te-argh!"

"Watch your back." Alex told him bluntly, expertly manipulating the controller to make her character run off and kill another random person.

"Cole, Alex is being mean-"

"Alex is right." Cole agreed, struggling not to laugh. Jay started sulking, but Alex and Cole still refused to stop teasing him.

Meanwhile, Kai had stayed behind to talk to Jenny.

"Hey," he tried to get her attention. "I, uh, wanted to show you something." She turned to look at him, raising her eyebrow.

"It's not Christmas yet, honey."

"It's not your Christmas present." Well, she had to admit, she was intrigued.

"Lead on." He led her down a few corridors, stopping in front of an old, red one that had a pretty tough-looking bolt across it. He opened it, and beckoned her inside. She slipped through the gap, her jaw dropping open at what she saw. It was his sword collection. There were so many, and they were so-

"-beautiful. Did you make them?" Kai awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah."

"D-do you mind if I touch them? O-or should I just keep my hands to myself?"

"Go ahead." She made her way around the room, careful not to dislodge any of them. Her fingers gently grazed the blades, their touch fleeting and soft. She would have to tread carefully around his swords, if she wanted him to actually give one to her.

"Why are you showing these to me? Not that I'm complaining." Kai shrugged, leaning against the doorway.

"We both use swords," he pointed out. "You asked about it before, I was surprised you didn't bring it up again. You sounded pretty interested."

"Oh, right." She relaxed, turning back to the swords.

"Also, I heard you talking to Alex about wanting me to give you one of my swords." Jenny froze.

"............You........were not meant to overhear that." Kai laughed. She felt the tension go out of her at the sound of his laughter.

"I thought I might spare you the trouble."

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