Chapter Twenty Four-The Brink of War

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"Zane's teaching you Serpentine?" Jen asked Alex a few days later, looking through her wardrobe for something cute to wear

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"Zane's teaching you Serpentine?" Jen asked Alex a few days later, looking through her wardrobe for something cute to wear. "Cool. Now you're a real snake."

"Not until I get my tattoo." Alex replied, running her hand through Cheesecake's fur.

"Jax is calling a meeting in the evening," Jenny informed her quietly. "Think we can take the Ninja?"

"A meeting about what?"

"I sparked a little unrest when I joined," she admitted, stopping to caress Ronnie's head. "You know, the bigger the gang, the more territory sort of stuff. He's pretty sure there'll be a gang war."

"Oh great," Alex responded sarcastically. "I'm sure that'll be fun." Jen sighed.

"Yeah. I knew what I was doing when I joined though. I just thought the Ninja would be good backup. What do you think?"

"I mean, you know as well as I do the streets have been unsettled lately. It feels like this has been coming for a while." Yak groaned and flopped down on the floor. Meanwhile, Coco was fast asleep, having already lost his patience with these peasants.

"I meant about the Ninja," Jenny clarified. "But you're right."

"Oh well, as long as they don't fight, I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Yeah," Jen agreed quietly. "I'm mostly worried about Kai and Ezra, to be honest. You know what Ez is like."

"Yep." There was silence for a while, as she searched tirelessly through her wardrobe. Then Jenny spoke again.

"Hey, can you help me find somethin' cute to wear? I know it's just a meeting but I need to look cute for Kai. He's not letting up on the flirting game."

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