Chapter Four-Them Talk

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Jenny woke up early the next day from a bad dream with an equally bad headache

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Jenny woke up early the next day from a bad dream with an equally bad headache. Once it became clear she wasn't going back to sleep, she glanced over at Alex to see if he was asleep. Her brother, who was hanging from the ceiling as a bat, opened his eyes to look at her and gave Jen her answer. With an exhausted sigh, Jenny got out of bed, ruffled Ronnie's fur, and had a look through her wardrobe.

"Urgh, all these are outdated," she commented to Alex, who was a boy for the day. "It's funny how your style changes over time." Alex shifted back into human form and lazily fondled Yak's ears.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow," he replied. "Mine needs updating too." They got changed and went into the kitchen, Jenny whistling quietly for the dogs to follow them. No one was there. Well, it was about half past seven in the morning. Jen went to feed the dogs, touching Cheesecake briefly on the head as she laid their bowls on the kitchen floor.

"Alex?" she asked, after a while of silence.


"I know it's too early to tell, but do you think we'll stay?" Her older brother took his time answering.

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