Chapter Thirty Eight-Uno Reverse

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It was coming to the end of the year. Alex and Jenny had had some more talks about staying, Jen trying to persuade Al that they could have a better life in the temple, than they could on the streets. On the morning of the sixteenth, Alex got up early to make breakfast for herself. She was about halfway through her food when Jay arrived.

"Morning Alex! How's it going?"

"Not bad." Alex replied evenly.

"What're you eating?" he asked, taking the chair nearest to the oven. The logic was that it was nearest to the food. But then there wasn't much logic in Jay, so this was surprising.


"Oooh, cool! I love waffles!"

"Good." There was silence for a while, but Jay didn't like the quiet.

"Hey, um, can I ask you something?" he questioned her awkwardly.


"Um," he started fidgeting with his hands. "Are you and Jen gonna stay, do you think?" Alex opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it.

"No." Jay frowned.



"What do you mean, no?" Alex shrugged.

"I mean no. That not a word where you're from?"

"I know what no means but-why not?"


"Because what?"

"Because no." Alex was really enjoying this.

"Al," Jay whined. "Stop messing with meeeeeee!"


"I-I'll tell Nya!"

"Tell her what?"

"That you're being mean!"

"What?" Alex asked innocently. "No, I'm not." Nya chose that moment to walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, what's going on?" she questioned them.

"Nothing. Just talking to Jay."

"Alright," Nya shrugged. "Hey, I gotta go find Cole for something, I'll see you later."

"Bye, Nya."

"Bye!" And with that, she left.

"Seriously though," Jay tried again. "Do you think you'll stay? I know Cole, Zane and Lloyd want you to."

"You know I never do what others want." Alex responded bluntly. There was a pause, as Jay processed this.

"So, you're really leaving?" he asked with a pitiful expression on his face.

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