Chapter Fourteen-Oh. Well, that sucks

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A couple of days later, Jenny and Lloyd were again sitting together in the kitchen, in the middle of the night. This time, they were both drinking hot chocolate. There was a comfortable silence between them, as they just let themselves relax in each other's company. Jen was the one to break it.

"Lloyd?" she asked quietly.


"I think I've lost my game with Kai."

"Your game?"

"We're, sort of, flirting with each other, tryna make the other person fall in love. First one who does it, loses."

"And do you love him? I can't see why you would." Jen laughed at that.

"No, I definitely like him. But love? It's rare for me to fall in love." Lloyd smiled at her, and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Then you haven't lost." Silence fell between them again, as Jenny considered this.

"Lloyd, I'm scared," she admitted then. "I think it's a serious possibility, but I don't wanna fall in love with him. He's honestly the worst person for that."

"Yeah, he flirts with a lot of girls," Lloyd replied quietly. "But I think he's actually pretty loyal if you do date him. I mean, you haven't seen him when Nya got hurt before."

"True," Jen mused thoughtfully. "That's actually kinda endearing, I can relate to that." She sighed heavily, and sipped her hot chocolate. "But he doesn't like me back. I can usually tell." Lloyd gave her an unreadable look.

"Maybe not yet," he responded. "You're determined to win his heart, aren't you?" Jenny nodded in determination.

"For my own sanity, as well as that of other girls." Lloyd finished off his chocolate and grinned at her.

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