Chapter Twenty Two-Capture The Flag

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The next day, Jenny got changed into a casual, loose t shirt and trousers and, of course, sketchers. It was so unlike her. She loved any excuse to dress up, look cute, show off a little. But then she still wasn't feeling quite herself.

"It's Capture The Flag today, right?" she asked Alex, gently fondling Cheesecake behind the ears.

"Yeah. You sure you're up for it?" Jen shrugged, putting her sword in her scabbard.

"Be good to take my mind off him, I guess."

"True." Just then, Lloyd poked his head round the door.

"Morning, Jenny, Alex!" he greeted them. "I just wanted to check you guys were okay."

"Sure." Alex nodded.

"Not quite yet," Jen told him honestly. "But I will be."

"I'm sorry." Lloyd told her sincerely. Jenny smiled.

"Thank you. Hey, how's Kai? He left kinda abruptly last night."

"Did he?" Alex frowned. "What happened?" Jen shrugged.

"Nothing. We talked for a while, then he said he had to go, and left. He seemed kinda angry."

"Yeah," Lloyd sighed. "I think he's still angry over what happened yesterday. I mean, we all are. But he seems....I don't know, odd. More fiery."

"Isn't he literally the fire Ninja?" Alex asked him bluntly.

"Yeah, he just doesn't seem himself."

"Great," Alex commented sarcastically. "The hothead is gonna explode and probably kill us all. I'm gonna go see if anyone else is awake, before that happens." She left the room and found Cole in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. "Hey."

"Oh, hey Alex," Cole greeted her. "How's it going? How's Jenny?"

"Alright. What you making?"

"Pancakes. What would you like on them?"

"Sugar and lemon. Jenny'll have maple syrup."

"Coming right up." There was silence between them for a while.

"Capture the flag's gonna be interesting. I think we've all been a bit worked up recently. Be good to get it all out. Blue team will win, I bet." Cole spoke then.

"You seem confident."

"Well, yeah. They have Jenny and Lloyd." Alex smiled wryly.

"Is that so?" There were two teams for Capture The Flag. Blue and red.

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