Chapter Sixteen-Minecraft Murder

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Meanwhile, Kai and Nya had split off from the group, as Kai needed to get back home and cook dinner. They were almost back at the temple when Nya spoke.

"What was Jen's other meeting for the day again?" she asked him thoughtfully. "The one she was returning from when Alex attacked you."

"Thomas. Some guy she met at the library." Nya frowned at his tone.

"You don't like him, do you?"

"I haven't met him." She opened her mouth to speak, then decided against it. There wasn't really anything you could say to that. So she changed the subject.

"Are you feeling any better? After what happened with Alex?"

"Not really." She sighed, resting her head back against the passenger seat.

"I don't know about Alex," she told him. "But I'm sure Jen feels awful about it."

"She doesn't have to. It's not her fault." Kai replied gently. He pulled up outside the temple and opened her door for her.

"Yes," Nya agreed with him, as they made their way to the kitchen. "But you know what she's like." Kai smiled to himself and began to make dinner.

"Yeah. She's too damned soft for her own good." 

A few minutes later, Jenny and Lloyd entered the room, arguing in passionate Spanish.

"No," Lloyd was saying. "¿Cómo pudiste pensar eso?" (A/N: Translation -How could you think that?)

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