Chapter Twenty Six-The Aftermath

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The Faceless were tiring, and so were The Vipers. Jen glanced over at Alex, asking a silent question. She nodded, and Jen darted over to where Kai and Lloyd were fighting together.

"I have an idea," she began carefully. "But you're gonna hate it."

"Hey, if it gets us out of this!" Cole called out.

"I say, do it!" Jay added.

"What is it?" That was Nya. Jenny inhaled deeply, trying to control her nerves.

"What if I blinded The Faceless?" she asked quietly. "Turn the tide of the battle. We're clearly losing." Lloyd hummed thoughtfully.

"That would work." But Kai frowned in worry.

"What would happen to you?" Jen didn't answer, only elbowed another biker in the gut and swept his legs out from under him.

"Jen?" Lloyd asked hesitantly.

"What'll happen is the best sleep I'll ever get, sweetheart." Jenny responded dryly. Realisation dawned on their faces.

"No!" Kai exclaimed stubbornly. Jen and Lloyd's gazes met.

"It's our only hope." Lloyd responded. Jenny nodded briefly to him, then danced over to Jax and Atlas.

"Here's the plan," she told them. "The second I stop glowing, I want y'all to attack them with everything you have."

"No," Jax replied firmly. "No snake will go down on my watch. We'll find another way." But Jen was determined.

"The Vipers will start going down on your watch," she responded fiercely. "If I don't do anything about it. There is no other way, Jax." Her leader opened his mouth to protest, but Atlas stopped him with three simple words.

"Let her try." Jax turned and elbowed a biker in the face.

"Alright." Atlas glanced at Jenny.

"When you stop glowing, we'll attack." She nodded.

"Good luck." She spun away, sprinting straight into the midst of the battle. The glow around her grew until it was blindingly bright. She held it up there for a full ten seconds before she collapsed, crumpling to the ground like a ragdoll. Alex caught her before she fell, laying her carefully on the ground. She stood over her, fending off The Faceless.

"I see the light..." Jen groaned, and passed out.

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