Chapter Nine-Ooooh, spicay

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The next morning, Jenny was bouncing a ball against the wall, bored. Ronnie jumped up onto her bed and curled up beside her. Jenny caught the ball again, and gently rested her hand on Ronnie's fur. She glanced over to find Cheesecake lying on the floor, Coco sleeping beside him. Yak slept alone at the foot of Alex's bed. Her little kingdom.

Alex poked her head round the door.

"Hey, I brought you breakfast." Her younger sister smiled.

"Thanks," she said, taking the plate Alex offered her and starting to eat. "Are the others okay? I wish I could've joined y'all."

"They're fine," Alex replied, sitting next to Yak on her own bed. "And you should've thought of that before you used too much magic." Jenny shrugged, her mind wandering away from the room they were in. Perhaps?

"Guess I'll sleep when I'm dead," she told Alex calmly. "Hey, I met someone in town. Thought you might like him." She got his picture up on her phone and tossed it over to her older sister.

"Hm." There was silence between them for a while, before Jenny spoke up again.

"So, what are you gonna do with Nya tomorrow?"

"We're goin' shopping," she responded. "Nya wants to get her own present for Kai and she insisted on dragging me along since she wasn't here yesterday." Jen shook her head and smiled. Her sister hated shopping because she always got the feeling that people were staring at her, unlike Jenny herself. Sure, she could understand why Alex hated it. But Jenny loved attention, depending on whether it was good or bad.

"Good luck," she told Alex quietly, finishing off her meal. "I'm gonna hang with Cole and Jay. Chat with Sensei, maybe train with Lloyd as well."

"Sounds like a better day than mine," Alex re-joined, and got back to her feet. "See you later." With that, she left the room. Jenny sighed and, getting out her notebook, she started writing song lyrics. After a while, she felt a presence at the door.

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