Chapter Thirty Four-Insanity

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November had finally arrived. Kai was still dating Sarah, and Jenny was still fake dating Cole. On the night of the fourteenth, Jenny and Lloyd met up in the kitchen for a recon meeting. Alex had disappeared sometime during the night, probably to be alone for a while.

"It's working," Lloyd exclaimed excitedly, as Jen busied herself with making them some hot chocolate. "Kai may still be with Sarah, but he can't keep his eyes off you, mi hermana." She smiled softly, sliding his mug over to him.

"To be honest, I never can seem to keep my eyes off him." she admitted.

"Aaaaawwwww, cute." Her best friend commented, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Jenny passed him a plate of ginger biscuits, and took hers off the kitchen counter, trying not to blush.

"Now for our master prank. I've got the wig, it's in my room." Lloyd nodded seriously, his blonde hair falling over into his deep green eyes: he'd been growing it out for some time now.

"Tomorrow?" he offered. Jen nodded her agreement.

"Tomorrow." That sorted, there was a comfortable silence between them for a few minutes. Lloyd broke it.

"So, how's Leo?" After Halloween, Jenny had begun messaging Leo about her music. They'd become fast friends: they texted back and forth, getting back to each other within two minutes at the most. They had conversations that lasted the whole day. He was charming and charismatic, and always making her laugh.

"We're thinkin' of meeting up at some point," Jen informed him. Lloyd raised his eyebrows, and she hurried to amend her mistake. "It's not a date. I thought I'd take it slow after....well, you know." He nodded in understanding.

"Good idea. Do you like him?"

"It's too early to tell, I think." Jenny replied, but her coy little smile gave her away. Lloyd returned the grin.

"He better treat you right, you know."

"What I know, is that you couldn't hurt a fly, mi hermano."

".....Okay, that's fair."

The next day, Jenny got changed into some more boyish clothes, that Lloyd had lent her for the day. She then found her blonde wig and placed it carefully on her head. It was short, about the same length as Lloyd's hair. She glanced at herself in the mirror, biting her lip in thought. She looked very much like Lloyd, except for the blue eyes. Ah, well. She couldn't do anything about that anyway.

"What do you think?" she asked the dogs and Coco. Ronnie yipped enthusiastically and Yak blinked slowly back at her. Cheesecake huffed his consent, while Coco looked completely and utterly bored. Just then, Alex jumped through the open window. She landed in a cat-like crouch, slowly rising to her feet.

"Morning, Al." Jenny greeted her cheerfully.

"When did you have a haircut?" Alex asked.

"It's a wig," Jen explained. "Another prank on the Ninja."

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