Chapter Five-Hot Chocolate and Baking

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Two weeks later, Jenny and Alex had settled back in nicely. Their friendship with Nya had grown and developed since they had worked out together in the gymnasium. Whenever the boys went out on missions, the girls would go to their gym room to train. Jenny's friendship with Lloyd had begun to flower nicely, too. They had a lot in common too: mainly comics, video games and sweets. There was just one thing missing.

"I miss Coco," Jen mused thoughtfully, one night. "We've gotta get him back."


"You know, our half trained demon duck. He's adorable."

"Yeah I-why are you thinking about Coco right now? You should be sleeping." Jenny shrugged.

"I have an errand at the library tomorrow. Finn needs me to sort out some books."

"Congratulations. How is that related to Coco?"

"I wanna get him back," Jenny told her. "I could do that tomorrow."

"Ughhhh." Alex groaned.

"Jay's driving me in. If I hurry, sorting the books out will take two hours at the most. Which gives me time to rescue Coco before Kai comes to pick me up." There was silence as Alex moved into a more comfortable position. Comfortable for her, at least.

"We're doomed."

"Why?" Jen questioned her. "I trust the Ninja to protect us if Shaun comes after us. Maybe Kai's an idiot, but at least he's loyal." Alex made no reply and Jenny sighed heavily. "You're worrying me, dear. I'm startin' to think he won't come now." 

There was no response again. Jenny turned over onto her side and realised that Alex had either fallen asleep or just didn't want to reply. 

For the next ten minutes, she tossed and turned and failed to get to sleep. Eventually, she gave up and went to the kitchen to make herself some hot chocolate. She stopped short in the doorway, squinting to see through the darkness of the kitchen. Someone was there.

"Shortbread? Is that you?"

"Jen?" his familiar voice floated out of the darkness. Jenny clicked her fingers, making the lights flicker on so they could see better. She frowned when she finally saw him.

"Why are you awake?"

"What?" Lloyd asked in confusion, moving out of her way as she busied herself with making her hot chocolate.

"You're never here at night," she replied. "None of you are. Hot chocolate?"

"No thanks. How do you know?"

"Know what?"

"That we're not here," he realised something then. "Unless you often come here. You can't sleep, can you?"

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