Chapter Fifteen-Alex is back!

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The next morning, Lloyd walked into the kitchen to make breakfast and found Alex lying on top of the kitchen cupboards. She was eating cereal from the box.

"Alex?" he asked, confused. "What are you doing on top of the cupboards?"

"I Am According To the Will of the Universe." Alex replied calmly. Lloyd stared blankly up at her.

"How did you even get up-?"

"I was hungry."

"You don't mess with the Hartridge sisters when they're hungry, Energía," Jen's voice came from the kitchen door. She was wearing the tiger's eye heart necklace that Kai had bought her the other day. "There ain't nothin' we won't do for food. Hey Alex, I have ginger biscuits." Alex immediately rolled off the top of the kitchen cupboards, landing in a crouch in front of her. She stood up, took a biscuit from Jenny's hand, and bit into it.

"Jen, have I ever told you how awesome you are?"

"Nope." Jenny replied, fiddling with her necklace. Alex frowned.

"That's new." Jen shrugged.

"Kai got it for me yesterday. Drove me to and from the library as well." Alex flicked her eyes up to Jen, still frowning. "Probably some new step in our flirting game." She shared a look with Lloyd.

"Sleep well, Luz?" Lloyd asked her quietly, going to make them both some toast. Jen shrugged.

"Not bad, but not good."

"Hey, where's Nya?" Alex asked then.

"They should be comin' in any minute-" The Ninja all walked in at that exact moment. "-now. Oh wow, that was almost terrifyingly good timing."

"Hey Nya," Alex greeted her. "Sensei told me I was training with you today." Nya smiled.

"Yeah, it's with powers, I think."


"I bagsie the seat next to Energia!" Jen cheered, sitting down next to Lloyd. Zane and Cole chuckled. Kai looked at Alex, terrified, and sat  beside Jenny. Alex glanced at him, confused, but continued talking with Nya until Jenny interrupted.

"Sooooooo, I met someone yesterday," she began slowly, starting to eat her toast.


"Finn has a new kid at the library. Name's Thomas. He's a poet."

"Is he nice?" Jenny smiled.

"Yeah, we have so much in common. He's cute as well. Tall, black hair, blue eyes." Alex smiled thinly.

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