Chapter Six-Errands in Town

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A/N: The pic above is Jenny's sword

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A/N: The pic above is Jenny's sword. The pic below is Coco the demon duck.

Kai and Nya had made a detour to get some groceries before their mission

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Kai and Nya had made a detour to get some groceries before their mission. They left the store, the bag dangling from Nya's hand.

"So, who are we looking for again?" she asked her brother as they made their way down the street.

"Their names are Atlas, Jax and Ezra." Kai replied evenly.

"Why does that sound familiar?"

"They're from a street gang calling themselves The Vipers."

"Isn't that the gang Jenny mentioned? In one of her stories?"

"That's them. They've been causing trouble round this neighbourhood, we're here to take 'em in." Nya rolled her eyes.

"I know that, idiot. I thought they were supposed to be friends with her and Alex though."

"Don't ask me, ask them." Meanwhile, at the end of the alleyway, three boys were listening in. They looked to be a good few years older than the Ninja, perhaps around their early to mid twenties.

"Atlas, did she say Jenny?" the one with the neon yellow crew cut questioned. He had a snake tattoo around his wrist. The taller, stronger boy with the dark blue mohawk folded his brown, tattooed arms, looking suspiciously at Kai and Nya as they approached them. 

"I'm not sure, Jax," he responded thoughtfully. "But I heard her mention an Alex."

"That don't happen to be the Hartridges, now, do it?" Jax called out to the Ninja.

"What's it to you?" Nya replied guardedly. The short boy with the short, layered cut and black hair stepped forward then. Ezra. His eyes were so dark they were almost as black as his hair, as black as the night, and they fixed the two Ninja with a hard stare.

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