Chapter Eleven-Kai's Birthday Part Two

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A few minutes later, they were trying to kill each other in the courtyard

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A few minutes later, they were trying to kill each other in the courtyard. Sensei Wu sat back and and watched them, drinking tea and occasionally calling out advice.

"That's right Alex, gauge his eyes out. Only one of you will come out of this alive."

"Yes, Sensei." The three replied gravely.

Just kidding. They were training, but not really trying to gauge each other's eyes out. Alex sent a punch flying at Cole's face. He blocked it, elbowing him in the stomach as he did so. Alex lost his balance, but jumped quickly to his feet with his guard up. Meanwhile, Zane managed to get Cole into a chokehold from behind. Cole stamped down on his foot, and Zane released his hold. Alex took the chance to sneak up behind the two of them and sweep Cole's legs. While the Earth Ninja was catching his breath, Zane and Alex started sparring together. Zane stepped into a kick, which Alex blocked quickly, and made him lose his balance.

"Is that all you've got?" Alex sneered after a while and spun round to elbow Cole, who had crept up behind him. That was when it turned into chaos.

"I could beat you with my eyes closed!" Cole was getting choked on the ground.

"Ha, you wish!" Zane was pulling Alex off Cole.

"Gotcha!" Alex was elbowing Zane in the face.

"In your dreams!" Cole was sweeping Alex's legs from under him.

"Wanna bet?" Zane was sending a punch at Cole. And Alex was hooking his ankle around Zane's from his place on the ground. Before any of them could think, the recumbent ankle throw had been used, and Zane had fallen over backwards.

Sensei Wu was really enjoying this.

Meanwhile, Jenny and the others were having a fancy meal out on the town. You will be pleased to know that Jen refrained from beer and whisky. Instead, she thought that tonight would be a good night for brandy.

"You're looking exceptionally handsome tonight, sweetie. I ought to complain to Spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single." She told Kai, and smirked at him. Yes. Brandy turned her into a shameless flirt. And it was a strong brandy. Good for their game, bad for her dignity. But wasn't practically everything she did bad for her dignity? It was a dangerous game to play with him. Bring it on.

Kai somehow managed to not choke on his food at that. Meanwhile, Lloyd was hiding a grin behind his hand, Nya was just smirking openly, and Jay looked completely and utterly confused.

"What?" Jenny took another sip of her brandy, feeling the Dutch courage spread through her.

"Oh come on, honey," she encouraged him smoothly, with a coy smile. "Everyone here knows you're hopelessly in love with me."

"Do we?" Jay asked Nya quietly. She shushed him, waiting impatiently for Kai's response. He grinned at Jen, leaning back in his chair.

"You and I both know it's the other way round, sugar." Jen's heart began to race, and she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the pet name. Lloyd was gradually becoming more and more amused by the minute now.

"In your dreams," she replied quietly. "I flirt with practically everyone." She knew, even as she said it, that it was blatant lie.

"You're lying, beautiful." Kai responded softly. Jenny could have sworn her heart stopped then. She gave herself time to answer by finishing off her food. Then she turned back to her rival, looking at him from under her lashes.

"And you're projecting, handsome." He laughed to hide the sudden warmth that bloomed inside him, because of her.

"You're the one who has a crush on me." She looked at him directly then, absent-mindedly playing with her brandy glass.

"Prove it." He had to admit, she had caught his attention.

"And how would you like me to do that?"

"However you'd like."

"Alright," Lloyd spoke up then, trying to hide a grin. "Chill out a little, lovebirds." The waiter chose that exact moment to arrive at their table and offer pudding.

"Kai?" Jenny asked him quietly.

"No thanks, we're sweet enough already." It was Lloyd's turn to almost choke on his beer now. Nya managed to hide her smile. Meanwhile, Jay was still incredibly confused.

"Can you all please slow down and explain this to me. What the hell is happening?!"

"Alex, I've made a mistake." Jenny told Alex, once she'd got back. Cheesecake whined quietly, resting his head on her lap. Alex just gave her a look that read 'well, obviously'. Jen sighed heavily. "Well, it's too late to back out now. I'm not in love with him, luckily. Still don't trust 'im, so he hasn't won my heart yet. Though it was going crazy."

"Congratulations. Maybe you'll even get a full body workout next time." Alex replied sarcastically. Jenny thoughtfully stroked Cheesecake's head.

"I'm gonna win his heart," she declared in determination. "I'm gonna be the one to make the bad boy fall in love."

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