Chapter Thirty Three-Halloween

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A/N: The pic above is Jenny's dress. The hibiscus is her new tattoo.

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Jenny had six days to recover from being kidnapped, because Halloween was on the thirty first of October. The nine months had gone by quickly: soon, there'd only be two left. On the twenty sixth, the day after she had been rescued, Jenny went to get another tattoo. This one was not to hide any scars: she genuinely wanted it. She returned with a hibiscus curling over her forearm.

Later, Kai called Sarah to apologise. They arranged a date for the next day. Not only that, but Kai also invited her round for Halloween. On the day of their date, Jenny was ranting to Cole and Lloyd while making brownies.

"The music worked," she was saying. "I'm sure it did. He seems, I don't know, different now, somehow. But he's also completely besotted with Sarah! I'm sure she's nice, but...."

"But you like him?" Cole asked. Jen sighed.

"But I've realised that I love him," she admitted quietly. "I've lost. I-it's difficult, seein' him flirt with someone else. I don't want 'im to forget me." Lloyd stuck his finger into the brownie mix and licked it.

"He won't," he replied evenly. "Because I have a plan."

"What?" Lloyd looked thoughtful.

"What are you thinking of being for Halloween?" he questioned them both.

"A ghost!" Cole exclaimed, but Jen was less certain.

"I don't know," she responded slowly. "I was thinkin' of bein' a black cat. Haven't decided yet, though. What are you thinking?" Before Lloyd could reply, Alex sauntered into the kitchen, sticking his finger into the brownie mix and licking it.

"Mm, not bad," he commented. "What were you talking about again?"

"Kai's new girlfriend." Lloyd informed him.

"They both completely ignored Jen after they started flirting, the night of the gala." Cole butted in.

"It's fine," Jen spoke up quickly. "I'm sure she's nice."

"I'm sure she's stunning," Alex replied. "But if she's in the way, she's in the way." Everyone turned to look at him in surprise. "What?"

"You want me to win his heart?" Jenny asked quietly.

"I want you to be happy, and if it means getting rid of her, then away she goes."

"Aaw! Lloyd said he had a plan, anyway."

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