Part 32

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NOTE: Natasha's character has been changed^^

Natasha POV

After the shower i went to class and after hours of learning i was going back to Shawn's room, i opened the door and found him  doing push ups "hey baby, how was class" he asked not stopping his exercise "good"i said he got up while sat on his "ok, so Christmas is coming up, are you going back home?" he asked sitting next to me "um yeah so gotta go early for thanking giving" i said "noooo" he whined   "what?" i chuckled "i want to be with you on Christmas" he said in a baby voice "well mum has given me a warning if I'm  there she will drag me" i said "ok fine" he said "you distracted me so get up" he said i got up confused "so you are gonna sit on my back and count to a hundred"he said "ok" i said and i sat on his back "one, two,three.........sixty" i counted and the door busted open "really, you guys?" Justin said walking in with Mable "Mai what are you doing here?" i asked getting up

"Well i have been looking for you" she said "why?" i asked "sorry for wanting spend with my best friend one on one"she said dramatically "sorry what do you want  to do?" i asked "shopping and we are done we could go to McDonald's " she said "do you have money for McDonald's?" i asked her "damn you sound like my mama and plus Jace gave me his platinum card" she said Jace is crazy rich his father own his multi million dollar business"baby you can take my card" Shawn said.

"NO-" I started but he was quick to cut me off "no take it" he said i took it knowing that he won't stop and i won't even use it "okay" i said "have fun babe" he said and he kissed me"I'll see you" i said i walked out Mable and  i went  and took Jace's jeep we rode peacefully and quietly we reached the and walked into forever 21 she got what she wanted, i got crop tops, shorts and baggy hoodies and i paid using my card and walked out "so i noticed you used your card instead of Shawn's" she said "yeah" i replied "why didn't you use Shawn's?" sh asked "because i want to feel independent" i said "this isn't about feeling independent and letting Shawn spoil you like the queen you are, you deserve it" she said  we walk to fenty got some make up and lingerie after 3hours we went and stopped for some  food as i was standing someone there hand on my and turned "Trevor what the fuck are you doing here?" i asked out of anger

"Baby i came to see you" he said "how did you know i was here? are you stalking me" i asked "no i simply check your location on snap chat for days"  he said "that is literally stalking"i said walking away he grabbed my wrist spun me around "you are my girl" he said "nigga don't start that shit with me" i said "i have a boyfriend that loves, protects,understands and trusts me"i said "AND I DON'T LOVE YOU?!" he asked me angrily i felt people stare "don't do this now" i said "IF I DON'T DO THIS NOW, WHEN? YOU- you wont let me see you"he said "Trevor i love Shawn his the one i have wanted for the longest time when i left New York  i was a little girl i had crush on him and in England and i met you we started dating and you cared then you changed being over possessive and not caring about me-" i said but he cut me off "ok i get i was being over possessive i understand i was insecure you had guys flocking at you and -" he said  "ok maybe you don't understand me because you weren't the victim you know what i am in love with Shawn " i said "fine i will leave you but if you change your mind i will waiting for you" he said walking away "You ok girlfriend?" Mable asked "i am fine" i asked  we went back to compass and settle down her dorm room "i am gonna call the rest of the girlfriends" Mable said

Blessings' POV

After having that nap i woke up"Cam---" i said trying to reach him but turns out he wasn't there, i got up and he was near the window having a cup of coffee "you're up already?""why didn't you wake me up?" i said "well you looked so cute in your sleep that i did not want to disturb you" he said i chuckled lightly and looked at him with one eyebrow raised"what?" he said "damn! you have changed Cameron, you really have changed,what happened" i said "well you are just been weird, now come on get up and let's go" he said "oh i almost forgot" i said getting up and put on some slippers and caught up to him in the car and he drove to the mall.And i was having a very good time cause i got every thing i wanted and most importantly i had Cam in my life and that means the world to me.

It's my favorite season of the year winter which means Christmas is coming up and i had to go home!. I wake up in the morning and it was snowing outside,i walked into the bathroom ,took a shower and put this on:

"Morning babe" i said "morning" he said waking up and pulling me into a kiss, i pulled away "ok that's it go take a shower and we can do what ever you want cause we have no class today" i said and sat upright waiting for him as he was showering

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"Morning babe" i said "morning" he said waking up and pulling me into a kiss, i pulled away "ok that's it go take a shower and we can do what ever you want cause we have no class today" i said and sat upright waiting for him as he was showering.

3o minutes later

"finally you're done" i said "um Cameron" "yeah? "um Christmas is coming up, what do you wanna do? " i asked "um i don't know i was thinking of been with you or something like that" he said sitting next to me shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist "aaww that's so amazing but i am going back home for Christmas my mom said she'll take no excuses" i said "well damn" he said "and am really gonna miss you, so the best we can do is live our lives before i leave" i said and he only stared at me and his eyes were so full of lust "um so what do you wanna do? cause i wanna do something really special" i said " well i wanna fuck but that isn't special" he said and i chuckled "well it's really special when you put your mind and effort into it" i said smirking "i know where this is going" he said "you bet" i said taking off my coat and kissed  him passionately  he kissed back, i pulled away "hmm i haven't done that in a long time"i said in a low raspy voice and continued making out, i felt his hot breath on my skin as he kissed my neck and went back to my lips and then pulled away "what! why did you stop" i said "you really don't wanna do this" he said"why? what do you mean?" i said "um--"he tried to say "look i need this right now and you're the only one who can give it to me" i said he chuckled lightly"ok " he said and he kissed me as i felt his cock "don't jump to that cause you're gonna regret this in the morning" he said "no" i said and continued feeling him as he grew hard in my hands "ok you asked for this" he said and got on top of me and kissed my neck which made me to slightly moan he helped me take my shirt off as well as my pants,he took my undies off and unsnapped my bra and continued caressing my body he led a trail of butterfly kisses from my neck to my inner thigh and i let out a soft moan,he continued kissing up to my clit and i put my hands behind my head as he ate the living being out of me  damn! that felt so good and i was gonna cum right there "i'm gonna cum" i said "good" he said and i came,he licked me clean, came back to kiss my lips and i tasted myself on his tongue he pulled away i opened my eyes and looked straight into his lustful eyes and i nodded,he slid and lid in me "hmm"i moaned  as he picked up the pace "oh fuuuck!" i screamed as i felt the pressure between my hips he moved to the left a bit and damn! he hit it and kept me going "oh my gosh don't stop" i said "right here babe?" he asked "yeah" i said as i was about to cum again "am gonna cum" i said "hold on am not done" he said and i held it as he exploited me even more and this was far from good it was amazing "you can cum now baby girl" he said as he kissed my mouth i let go and we both came at the same time. he laid next to me and i laid on top of his bare chest and could feel his heart beat "i love you" he said "i love you too" i said covering us with a blanket and drifting to sleep as it snowed that afternoon...................................................

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