Part 48

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Natasha POV

Okay Nash texting me saying he wants to meet is awkward for me because between Shawn not liking him and us almost kissing in the Maldives is just weird for me  anyway i drove home and connected my phone to the charger and went and took a shower and changed:

I straightened my hair  i walked out and saw my brother sitting on the kitchen stool "damn mamacita you look gorgeous, where you going?" he asked "thank you and i am going to meet a friend" i said getting an apple juice "yo friend ain't got no nam...

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I straightened my hair  i walked out and saw my brother sitting on the kitchen stool "damn mamacita you look gorgeous, where you going?" he asked "thank you and i am going to meet a friend" i said getting an apple juice "yo friend ain't got no name?" he asks "he does i just don't want to tell you" i said "and how does your boo thang feel about this friend?" he asks "what makes you think its not Shawn that i'm going to meet?" i ask "cause you would have said so" he says "whatever" i say walking out i drove to the diner...

I walked in and i saw him "hi" i say "hey you look gorgeous as always" he say i sit and say "thank you". "so why did you want to see me?" i ask "i just wanted to see you" he says the waiter came and took our order our food didn't take long to come mine was the spicy one

"So how's Shawn?" he asked "ah he okay" i said we continued talking after we were done we went to the park "i know me bringing this up is gonna be awkward for you" he says me being a dumb ass i ask "what?"

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"So how's Shawn?" he asked "ah he okay" i said we continued talking after we were done we went to the park "i know me bringing this up is gonna be awkward for you" he says me being a dumb ass i ask "what?". "i know you told me no but i really like you" he said it now its  odd for me  cause Nash is a friend to me. i was about to say something but stopped me by slamming his lips on mine and  i quickly pushed him away....

"am sorry i couldn't help myself" he says i got up from the bench "its ok" i say walking away "but Nat-" he started "no it's fine i am leaving now" i say running away and got in the car and drove off i went home , ran into the house, to my room and slammed the door behind me i heard my mom say something but i could hear anything i started crying i felt like an hypocrite i judged Shawn for not telling me about Camila, i went to shower and i sat on my bathroom floor and cried more i came out and dried my body and i wore:

"am sorry i couldn't help myself" he says i got up from the bench "its ok" i say walking away "but Nat-" he started "no it's fine i am leaving now" i say running away and got in the car and drove off i went home , ran into the house, to my room an...

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i tied my hair into a messy bun and checked my phone and it started ringing <face time request from baby>

S: hey babe

N: hey mi amor

S: are you okay you sound a little off

N: yeah am okay

S: you sure?

N:  yeah i just miss you, when do you get back?

S: i miss you too i can't wait to fuck you senselessly

i gasped and threw my head back in laughter

S: you won't be laughing when i have you screaming for mercy underneath me

N: you are such a boy

I said still laughing

S: soon baby soon i will be there with you

Then i noticed something

N: babe where are you

S: come out

With that he cut the call, how rude anyway i grabbed my robe i walked down stairs and walked outside and i saw him standing outside,  i ran into his arms "i missed you" he said, unknowingly i started crying  "i missed you too" i said and pulled away "why are you crying?" he asked "i am just happy to see you" i said he kissed me "me too love" he said....


Blessings POV

After ease dropping on my sister i decided to go sleep......

*in the morning*

i woke up feeling a little odd i mean feel like something bad is going to happen anyway i shake it off i am going to take a shower it feels good to have the warm water against my skin, i finish taking a shower and dried my body and changed into

 And put on a little make up and went downstairs to eat some breakfast i saw my mom cooking "buenos días mama(good morning mama)" i said "Manana(morning)" she said "so are you ready to go back to school" she asks making coffee "yeah i guess" i sai...

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 And put on a little make up and went downstairs to eat some breakfast i saw my mom cooking "buenos días mama(good morning mama)" i said "Manana(morning)" she said "so are you ready to go back to school" she asks making coffee "yeah i guess" i said "morning" my dad says "you are going back to school are you  ready" he asks looking at me i am getting anyone by this question "yes i am" i say making some coffee "ok" he says "is your sister still sleeping?" mom asks "i guess" i say "morning" my brother says "woah your ready early" i said "yeah cause i ame leaving now i came to say bye to you i already said it to mom, granny, aunt and dad" he said "and  what about Nat" i ask "yeah i just came from her room and kissed her good bye while she was asleep" he said there was a car honk outside "ok bye then" i said he hugged me and left......

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