Part 21

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Natasha POV

So after what Mable said Blessing suggested  we go to they are room we were walking towards there room they walked in first "oh my goodness Nat i love your hair" Cameron said "thanks" i sat next to Justin "so Nat are going for class tomorrow?" Blessings asked " yep" i said "well let's talk halloween" she said "ohh i am not doing that" i said "no no no" Mable said " what i dont like halloween" i said "come on Tashie it's one of last thing will do together" Cam said "don't call me that and i don't want to do halloween" i said "Nat i am pulling my best friend card and saying bring your ass to the party on friday " Mable said everyone broke into conversations i decided to check my phone i was checking thing on instagram and i saw a picture of Justin in the club but behind him was Shawn and i

I took a screenshot  and i  zoomed in what i saw shocked" Mable, Becca come to my room with me" i said "sure" they said we walked "what is this about? " Becca asked "wait" i said we arrived my room and  i locked the door "look at this" i said showing them my phone " is that you and Shawn" Becca said "yes" i said "check your gallery" Mable said i checked and they were so many pics from that night each picture was helping me get my memory back "OMG call B now" i said Becca called her and told her to come to my  room, i remembered every thing it was as clear as day i heard a knock on the door"open it" Mable said "why the hell did you call me, the guys are getting suspicious" she said "i remember every thing"  i said "oookaaaaay" B said "Shawn and i made out" i said "WHAT" they screamed "no dont react like that, how heated was it" Mable asked"well i was almost naked but Shawn stopped and told me that if still felt the same way the next day whatever i wanted would happen" i said "and what is that you wanted?" B asked "sex duh" i said "do you still want him to break your back?" Becca asked "i don't know" i said " you what, get out " i said "what?" B said "i need to think so out" i said " bye bitch" Mable said

It was 5 pm but still took my evening shower and changed into a comfortable outfit

I grabbed my laptop and decided to watch netflix i watch to all the boys i loved before 1&2, fast and furious 6 and and now am watching  me before you Nash walked in "hey Nat" he said "hi" i said he just walked out and i got a call it was Shawn

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I grabbed my laptop and decided to watch netflix i watch to all the boys i loved before 1&2, fast and furious 6 and and now am watching  me before you Nash walked in "hey Nat" he said "hi" i said he just walked out and i got a call it was Shawn

S: hey

N: hi

S: what are you doing ?

N: watching  netflix and talking to you

S: why did you walked out today?

N: i just needed girl time

S: really

N: yes but why do i feel like that not why you call

S: because it's not

S: i missed you

N: that's sweet

S: what are doing tomorrow after class?

N: not much, do you have anything in mind?

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