Part 43

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Natasha said

"And I love you" he said I kissed him "gosh I missed this" I said "and I missed you"he said gripping on my ass "you missed me or my ass?" I asked "both" he said I giggled we walked out "so how did it go" Mable asked "everything is fine it was a small misunderstanding" I said sitting next to my sister but she ignored me the whole flight whole when the plane landed tried to be nice but she ignored me again.

I got into the car with and Nash "hey can you drop me off at home" Nash said "ok" Shawn said I switched on the radio and paparazzi by lady gaga and I sang along  to the song while Shawn smiled so did Nash "I didn't know you liked lady gaga" Nash said looking at me looking through the mirror "yep I love her" I said he smirked we reached Nash's destination "thanks for the ride" he side "sure" I said  we drove a little "you still don't like Nash" i said "I don't hate Nash I just don't like the he looks at you" he said I laughed we drove home

We reached my childhood home and I haven't been here in along time " here you are" he said stopping the car "you know was gonna tell you to go but come in" I said "and what will say to your parents" he asked I actually didn't think about it "well if it makes you feel uncomfortable I will say you are my friend a good friend" I said smiling "a friend you kiss, call babe and have sex with" he said laughing "you pervert" I said laughing "now that I think of it I think boyfriend is better" I said "but I can't stay long" he said "sure as long as you kiss me before you leave" I said "I think that can be arranged" he said

We got out of car and got my bags we walked into the house my brother was there "hey Jayden " I said hugging him "hey brought a guest and I told you it's Jay now" he said and great Shawn "mom" I screamed she came to me hugging me "can't breathe" I said "Christine let her go before you kill my baby" my dad said  "dad" I said hugging him hello "how was your trip" he said "it was good"I said "where is your sister" my parents asked "umm she gonna be here any moment now" I said "well she better be here cause your mom made a whole fucking feast" my dad said then my dad cleared his throat  "oh umm dad mom this is Shawn" I said "nice to meet you sir and madam" he said nervously "nice to meet you too you look familiar" my mother said  " and further introduction will done later"  I said "further?" My dad said  "yes" I said grabbing Shawn's hand and  going up stairs to my  room "I gonna go take a shower" I said walking into my bathroom I showered stayed make up free

We got out of car and got my bags we walked into the house my brother was there "hey Jayden " I said hugging him "hey brought a guest and I told you it's Jay now" he said and great Shawn "mom" I screamed she came to me hugging me "can't breathe" I...

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I got out "finally I thought you were dead" he said I flicked him we walked down stairs and I got attacked with a hug "Ariel my baby" I said as I keeled down to kissed her cheeks "I missed you sis" she said "I missed you too where were you?" I asked "at grandma"
"Is she here" I asked her "yes but where is Blessings?" She asked "she-" I was cut off by "mom dad I'm home". " I guess she's home" I said "ok but whose this" she said pointing at Shawn "this is a very good friend of mine his name is Shawn" I said "hey" he said waving at her "hi I am Ariel" she said "I am Shawn" he said "yeah i think we have established that" she said rolling her eyes "she really is your sister" he whispered to me "yeah" I said smiling wildly

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